Ruins of us

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Two entire days passed by, mostly comprising of me coming to terms with what had happened. Everyone gave me the space I needed, and I knew I could have them next to me whenever I needed them to be. Salman stayed outside for most of the times, and whenever I needed him, he sat next to me. From the police questioning, to the times where I felt the painkillers wear off the the burn stinging again. He stayed.

The Jonas left for LA again, much to their dismay. But they had fans, they had shows, and most of all they had to move on as well. I had to basically kick them out, but they remained in touch by texting me every five minutes. 

Finally, I got to go home today. 

“I know, there’s gonna be paparazzi and let them just be. I don’t even care anymore.” I mumbled, adjusting my scarf to cover the burn marks. Yes, I was ashamed of them. I didn’t want the world to see them, simply because they would result in either of the two scenarios. One, pity. And second, hate based on the lines of ‘ugliness’ and ‘attention whore’. So, it was best to cover up – and also glam it up- with an Alexander McQueen scarf. 

“Alright, you know the drill.” I nodded to Tyson as he opened the room’s door for me. Going to the reception area, I saw patients and their families turning their heads to see us exit and whispering among themselves. Some went ahead to click photos, and I chose to make them happy. I smiled. 

Barking, that was what the paparazzi was for. Smiling, I kept my head up and waited patiently for the security to make way for me in the sea of people with that flash emitting thingy. As soon as they were able to squeeze in, Mike and Tyson covered up for me and made sure I was inside the car within seconds. Leo knew I hated it when the paparazzi and the reporters kept hounding at the windows, so honking like a badass, he made way for us without effort. 

Home sweet home. 

“Oh my baby” Salman picked me up bridal style before I could step out of the car and I giggled, wrapping my hands around his warm neck. Kissing my forehead, he took me inside to all my family waiting. I had insisted on coming home alone, because their presence would have just worked like a spark to turn the paparazzi into maniacs. 

“Didi!” my little nephew was the first to greet me with a warm hug. Hugging him back, I kissed his pink cheek. Before I knew it, it turned into a family hug with me being squeezed. Not caring the least about the wounds, I let them hug me and hugged everyone I could with my two hands. I loved these people; I loved them with everything I had in me. 

“Well, what’s the plan?” I asked and they finally started to break away from the group hug. Malaika looked around questioningly too. She had reached home only a few minutes before me, and to be fair she deserved all the attention. She stayed strong for me, stayed with me day and night without going home when she could. She took care of me, and I owed her big time. 

“Chick flicks” the boys smirked and me and Malaika exchanged glances momentarily before erupting into squeals. It was our dream, our life mission, to make all the boys watch mean girls with us one day. Well mean girls, the devil wears Prada, confessions of a teenage drama queen and the movie that had recently joined the list- pitch perfect. The guys shook their heads as we made our way to our own theatre. Yes we practically owned a theatre at our place, it was convenient and we just loved movies. In my defense, we did come from a family of actors and directors. 

“Alright we know your favorite movies so we took the liberty to bring them here, but we were wondering which movie should we play the first?” Sohail asked, wrinkles forming on his forehead as he went through the stack of CDs. It may have been a tough pick for the guys, but for us there was only one chick flick that was simply perfection.

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