Christmas Eve

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It was Christmas eve, and for whatever reason it was my brothers always had a movie releasing on Christmas eve. Alright, not always, but just four times. And it wasn’t like they didn’t offer to postpone the release, but I begged them to continue with the premier. People were excited, and then I and Malaika being burnt didn’t justify so many heart breaks and loss of millions of dollars.

As for me and Malaika, we decided to skip the premier and have a girls’ night out. For once, Malaika was free and she could do anything she wanted to without her managers, agents, fashion designers hounding her. So here we were, sitting in Arbaaz’s living room, with all my female friends and her female friends, having a karaoke night. 

“Sara!” I whined, pulling her arm. It was her turn to sing and she was about to leave the room by making the classic excuse of peeing. 

“I can’t sing.” She pouted, planting her butt on the couch. I shook my head, handing her the mic. Singing wasn’t even about hitting the notes or being in melody. Singing was about being yourself, saying what you felt and having fun. When the words failed, music came in. 

“Alright, which song?” I asked, and her eyes suddenly went wide with excitement.

“Gangnam style!” 

“You know the lyrics to gangnam style?” Lauren raised her brow, speaking for all of us. Trust me, my brain was eighty percent song lyrics but even after months of dancing to it I didn’t have the faintest clue about the lyrics. 

“No, that is the point. If nobody knows the lyrics and messes up, it’s just that much less embarrassing.” She winked and I couldn’t help but burst out laughing. My friends were such dorks, but I loved them for that. 

“Gangnam style it is.” Malaika’s sister, Amrita, hit on the song and there came the music the world knew. I mean if anyone hadn’t heard gangnam style, I was pretty sure they lived under a rock. Or on another planet. Or in another universe altogether. 

Alright, Sara was…not gifted in singing. Nevertheless, it was a lot of fun making up lyrics for gangnam style and singing them together, which also led us to a “very good” score. As I said, singing was just about having fun, and being you. 

“Lizzie, it’s your turn now.” Someone I didn’t know called. The great thing about all women out here was that they didn’t seem to be bitchy, or obsessed with their weight, or just straight out crazy. They were famous but they were still normal, and I liking the female population was a miracle. I wish I knew all of them, but then now I did. Better late than never.

“Hit titanium.” I smirked, grabbing the mic. I was really feeling David Guetta nowadays, he was a musical genius. If, and I said if, I ever recorded an album of my own David Guetta had to feature on it. He was like my man, and there was no way my album could be complete without him. 

“You shoot me down but I won't fall, I am titanium, I am titanium…” I ended the song, and I realized I was on the coffee table and my right hand was up in the air. Awkward.

“You are a star.” Yeah, I get into the song and then just lose it. I turned it into a one song concert of miss nobody. My performances needed to stop, the only place I should be performing at was the Olympics not a karaoke night because I managed to look awful.

“You were awesome!” someone hugged me, and I did the math…awful, awesome, about the same. Shrugging I smiled and thanked another stranger who somehow happened to know my name. Either I had really bad memory and failed to remember names, or these people were all psychopaths and they stalked me. 

I really felt like I was drunk. 

That was basically our Christmas eve. Well, most people left after 8 pm to celebrate the evening with their families, so I and Malaika were left alone to watch boring tv sitcoms. On the brighter hand, atleast we got to catch up with the MTV series, Awkward. 

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