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This is Travis he's Quavious and kairi bestfriend and he got this girlfriend named kylie but she go to a private school

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This is Travis he's Quavious and kairi bestfriend and he got this girlfriend named kylie but she go to a private school.

I walked inside the house seeing polices and my parents they immediately looked at me my mom rushed to me hugging me tightly I sighed softly

Mom-Where were you?! I missed you so much! She exclaimed
I was eating dinner it was quiet and I can feel the tension between Chris my mom and dad

Genesis-You guys it's not Chris fault that I ran away. I softly spoke

Mom-Theb why did you? She asked

Genesis-Becuase I'm having so much oeer pressure...both of bestfriends are dating my exes and I lied and said that I was cool with it which I'm not and then I saw one of them kiss I just couldn't take it anymore so I just got my air. I said obviously lying

Bruce-Well you have to tell us these things made us yell at Chris for no reason-

Genesis-I didn't make yall do anything he was the one who thought I was mad at him so he told yall what he thought was the problem. I said

Mom-Well I'm sorry Chris-

Chris-Doesn't matter. He mumbles

It was quiet

Chris dad cleared his throat looking at Chris who sighs

Chris-I guess I'm sorry for calling you a bitch. He said well what did I miss

Mom-It's fine. She softly spoke it was quiet again shit I'm ready for my apology

Which he probably won't say
I was putting the dishes in the dishwasher I heard footsteps Chris leaned on the counter giving me his plate I grabbed it putting it in the dishwasher with the rest of the dishes I closed it

Chris-I'm sorry about what I said to you, I was wrong you didn't do anything wrong to me well actually I was just jealous because I saw Stephen leave the house and I just didn't have the feeling that it wasn't more then a friendly catch up. He softly spoke I looked at him

Genesis-You were jealous. I just looked at him

Genesis-Why? I asked him

Chris-I told you I don't like when people touch you...i dont know how it was when I wasn't here but I'm here now and I don't want boys touching you. He said to me

Genesis-Chris your my step brother you can't have these feelings towards me-

Chris-Not for along and too late. He said to me I just looked at him I just noticed he had no shirt on lawdddddd i looked at his duck print oh my gosh

Chris-Don't look too long you might just get wet. He whispered I looked at him

Genesis-Too late. I said to him

Chris-I Wanna take you somewhere. He said to me

Genesis-Where? I asked

Chris-It's a surprise go out on some sheos. He said
So I walked into a house? This is a surprise I mean it's nice as fuck but why am I here

Genesis-I hope this is surprise is you giving this as my house. I said to him he chuckled and shut the door locking it

Chris-Take your shoes off please I don't like shoes in my house. He said taking his off I took my shoes off

Genesis-This is your crib? This is nice asf. I said to him looking around I stopped looking at a picture of him and his mom I'm guessing I felt his body against my body stop stop in hornyyy still

Chris-Well it could be me and yours...but you be playing. He whispered agaisnt my neck I bit my lip I felt his hands on my waist I had soo much butterflies in my stomach I turned looking at him

Genesis-But it'll be wrong. I whsipeee

Chris-But you want me. He whispered he wasn't lying

Chris-It won't be wrong soon. He whispered kissing me I kissed him more he slid his tongue in my mouth I sucked on it gripping his back pulling his closer to me he rubbed on my body he picked me up as we kissed we walked us upstairs but i unbuckled his pants he chuckled as I kissed on her neck

Chris-Your a little freak. He whispered

Genesis-Shh. I whispered pulling him out he laid me on the stairs hovering on top of me kissing me deeply

Y'all know what happened
I was snuggled up agaisnt Chris he was sleeping I grabbed my phone it was 6am.

I felt Chris move a little he rubbed on me for a minute then went back to sleep I smiled I guarantee I'm the first girl he let sleep with him.

I'm telling you he's a hoe he will fuck somebody and then dip or kick them out.

Chris-What time is it. He spoke tiredly

Genesis-6am, I'm finna take a shower. I said to getting off of him he sat up grabbing his phone I was in his shirt I grabbed my bag going to the bathroom
As I was in the shower I felt Chris arms around me I smiled he kissed on my neck ass the water poured on me I turned around looking at him with a smirk

Chris-What. He smiled I went down

Chris-Awl fuck. He moaned

Y'all know what happened
I walked in school looking at Chris he looked at me biting his lip I smiled looking away I bumped into one of the stank ass twins

Shannade-watch where your fucking going! She snapped making people look at us

Genesis-You better watch who the fuck your talking to! I snapped at her

Shannade-Know you watch it! Know your place! I'm that bitch! Know it! She snapped I rolled my eyes

Genesis-Yeah, you are that bitch. I smiled

Shannade-Glad to know who's-

Genesis-Your "that bitch" who is insecure about her body. I said her mouth dropped

Genesis-I mean that is why you are your twin sister got your skin bleached. I spoke

Genesis-Your right I'm not on your level...your down there and I'm up here. I mocked her walking off seeing Lori she rolled her eyes at me I rolled my eyes at her bumping into her going in class

Ari-Biiitch I have a lot of tea to tell you bring yo ass here. She said I smiled sitting next to her

Don't you just love hearing tea

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