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This is Stephen his fine assss especially when he got braids in his hair or when his hair is curly mmm

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This is Stephen his fine assss especially when he got braids in his hair or when his hair is curly mmm.

But back to the story

I was with Lucas he was holding me in bed I rubbed on his chest

Lucas-You've been here for three days baby, your parents are worried and they are angry at Chris very angry..your friends are worried and your missing a lot of school. He said to me.

Genesis-No just four more days. I softly spoke he chuckled

Lucas-Fine. He said to me

Lucas-And you better go back when your time is up cause last time you stayed for two weeks. He said to me

Genesis-Because I was really mad. I said to him he rolls his eyes

I looked at my phone my bestfriend ari was calling me I let it ring after it was done ringing I turned my phone off
I laughed as I was eating ice cream with Lucas

Lucas-Alright so if Chris was down to fuck you wouldn't have sex with him? He asked me

Genesis-Not at this moment I'm mad at him. I snapped he laughs I giggled

Lucas-All them can say they had sex with you in all but I was the one who took your virginity everybody knows bestfriends get dibs first. He said I laughed he chuckled

Oop four body's...

I promise you guys I'm not a hoe it may seem like it but I have the fewest bodies at my school. Other then the unfuckable nerds

Lucas-I can't believe he came to you like that tho like seriously...why did he say that? He asked I shrugged

Genesis-I never did anything to him I was just in the kitchen eating a sandwich and he comes in saying you know your very interesting and blah blah. I said to him

Lucas-Plot twist he likes you. He said to me I laughed pushing him he chuckled

Genesis-I don't think so. I said to him

Lucas-Just think about it think about everything he have done. He said to me

Genesis-I don't want to think about him...let's play the game. I said setting the ice cream on the table

Lucas-Fine. He said grabbing the controller
I was looking at the ceiling Lucas isn't a ghost obviously but he disappeared on everybody after that he's tracking the people who killed him moves.

Lucas know he can't get enough of me so he chose to keep in contact with me.

I rubbed on his chest as he was sleeping I kissed his neck softly sitting up I went downstairs sitting on the couch I turned the tv on putting on a movie I snuggled in a blanket

Next day
I was in my class everybody was just talking about how genesis disappeared again. They think she isn't coming back people have sooo many theory's

Like she got kidnapped and shit obviously she ran off because Chris said some slick ass shit.

Demario-Ari. He called my name I looked

Ari-What? I asked

Demario-What's wrong why are you so spaced out for? He asked me

Ari-I'm not I was just thinking. I said to him

Demario-Worried about gen? He asked

Ari-I mean I know she's going to come back I just hope she comes back safe and sound. I said to him he nods

Demario-She's a big girl she'll be fine. He said
Belcalis-I think it's good that her ass is gone she always got sum to say. She spoke with her bog ass mouth

Ari-I know your not talking look who's talking right now your known as talking the most shit. I said to her she looked at me

Belcalis-Ain't nobody was talkin to ya big foreheads ass. She replied

Ari-But I was talking to your lone lizard tongue ass you big mouth bitch. I snapped everybody was like damn

Lori-Aye your not about to talk to my cousin like you somebody. She snapped

ari-Oh here comes the gold digging Bitch. I sighed everybody laughed

Ari-I wouldn't be talking to any of you if y'all would stop talking about my bestfriend you deformed leprechaun dolls. I spat everybody was rolling

They waved me off walking off I rolled my eyes scary ass bitches I sat down

Karin-Maybe we should go look for genesis after school. She said

Ari-I mean i guess we looked everywhere. I said to her

Karin-ari what if we can't find her and she doesn't come back. She asked I rolled my eyes

Ari-Karin she's going to come back she can e cam last time. I said to her

Karin-because we found her. She said I sighed softly

I was arguing back and forth with genesis mom and my dad

Estelle-What did you say that mad her so mad?! She exclaimed

Chris-It's none of your business. I said to her

Dad-Chris! Watch your mouth! He snapped

Estelle-None of my business?! It's my daughter and she's missing it is my fucking business! She yelled at me

Chris-It's not! It's her business her privacy! It has nothing to do with it doesnt involve you so it's not your damn business you nosy ass-

Dad-Chris! I dare you to finish thag sentence you will get put out thjs house. He pointed I sucked my tooth

Chris-I don't understand why we had to move here anyways with these bitches! I snapped

Chris-I'd rather be put out then being here with any of y'all y'all get on my last nerves you are some crybabies that bitch is going to come home suck it up! All she wants is fucking attention she's a damn attention seeker she's doing this on purpose. I snapped walking off going upstairs

Dad-Christopher get back down here now! He yelled

Chris-No! I snapped going in my room slamming the door damn these people

I was happy with my mom why the hell did I have to be here

Oh cause my mom decides to die from cancer

Now I'm stuck with these lames

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