✧ two ✧

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today was not gahee's day, it's like bad luck is on her side. from waking up way too late and tripping on the way to school that led to a scraped knee and a scratched cheek.

she was thankful enough that it was her nice teacher's period. she was quickly sent to the nurse office upon stepping in the classroom like a mess. the bell rang signalling for break time and she thanked the nurse before heading out in the hallways "can this day possibly get any worse?" she irritatedly dusted off her uniform. too immense on ranting to herself that she had hit her head on something hard.

"ouch!" she looked up to see someone's chest. from annoyed to surprised to embarrassed. she met eyes with this person and it's her senior, kim jungwoo. she viewed him as intimidating and it's often scary when juniors makes a mistake to their seniors. his piercing stare made her gulp "a-ah i'm sorry! i wasn't looking" she bowed. whispers from the other students were not helping. i am screwed

jungwoo slowly took a step forward raising his hand making her eyes close shut in fear. instead of a hit, she felt his hand rest on top of her head. "it's okay, be careful next time..."

"yun gahee" gahee opened up one eye to see jungwoo smiling before leaving with his friends.

"woah, what was that?" a voice behind her made her come back to her early self. turning around to face her bestfriend with an annoyed expression then leaving.

"hey why are you looking at me like that? and why are you leaving me? i'm na jaemin!" he ran up to catch her. she rolled her eyes playfully.  "s-so how did your date go? are you together now? did you kiss?" she teased although she doesn't really want to know.

"well.. to be honest? i got rejected" he smiled sadly making gahee stop walking.

what? i thought hyemin liked him too...

"why are looking at me like you're the one who got dumped? i'm fine, it's fine.. i was kind of expecting it"

gahee pouted and hugged jaemin. "your feelings deserves to be reciprocated. and if not, that just means she's not the one for you" she looked up at him and smiled. jaemin was shocked, it was the first time his bestfriend had acted this way. it felt.. nice and he was thankful.

"thanks, but do you know what else would really cheer me up?" he smiled mischievously. the girl only looked at him waiting for him to continue.

she looks so clueless, how cute


after treating jaemin his beloved coffee they both parted ways. gahee smiled at how jaemin scolded her back at the cafè for being a clutz everytime he wasn't around. her house was visible from a distance and her brows met each other when she saw an unfamiliar car parked right in front of her house. she wasn't expecting any visitor. she rarely gets visited. she jogged up to see hoping it's her cousin's car and to her dismay it was not. because her cousin's car doesn't float.

heol.. is this real?

freaking out she rubbed her eyes and the car started to glitch, making her step back. what the? she reached out her hand almost touching it but it disappeared.

she looked around her to spot her good neighbor mr. lee throwing out the trash. "mr. lee!" she called. the old man smiled at the young girl "oh gahee-ah, how are you?"

"i'm fine mr. lee, uhm have you seen any car that was parked here?"

the old man thought for a while. "i think not. i've been out here since morning doing the lawn. are you expecting someone?"

"ah, no. thank you though, have a good night mr. lee" the girl bowed and quickly went inside. "i definitely saw a floating car. it even glitched! but there's no way a car can float... have i gone insane?!"

like on cue her stomach growled and she sighed in relief. "ah i know, sneakers said you're not you when you're hungry right? right!"

gahee found a pack of drumsticks and decided to cook that instead and make herself a salad. it was a perfect day to binge watch so she set up her room and sink into her comfy sheets. usually she would invite jaemin over but the boy was probably out with his other friends on a friday night.

it's been an hour and gahee was about to pick another movie when she heard her shower. did i leave it open? she flinched as a loud crash came from her bathroom followed by a groan.

she stepped out of her man made cave in fear. the door opened revealing a person and she screamed throwing the first item she could get.

"what the?! i just showered!–" gahee didn't let him finish as she scream ran to him and pushed him inside the bathroom again. holding the doorknob with all her might.

"yah! what do you think you're doing?!" the stranger screamed.

"who are you and what are you doing inside my house?!" she held the doorknob which was no use since the stranger was much stronger. the door opened revealing a tall guy wearing an all white.

gahee ran back to her bed and grabbed whatever she could.

"don't come any closer! i have a chicken!"

how the fuck did this guy get inside my house?!

he scoffed "what's this? you act like you live here when in fact this is my room"

gahee looked around and everything was glitching, from her aesthetic looking room to those high tech looking room that you see in futuristic movies. they looked at each other bewildered. and judging by his reaction she was certain of one thing,

they both see it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2021 ⏰

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