We're bringing you in

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I heard a rustling before Taehyung spoke.

Taehyung: "Sniper in position!"

Namjoon: "I'm also in position with the other cops at the front entrance."

Yon: "I got the back entrance."

Ryo: "Good. We will attack now."

I said through the police walkie-talkie and gave the officers with me a sign, that they should move towards their position. The containers helped us hide from the gang. After we surrounded them, I gave the officer, who was standing a few feet away from me a sign to start now.


He shouted and the people, we were surrounding started to pull out their guns to shoot at us. I got up from my hiding spot and aimed at the first man I saw. One shot at his leg made him fall down. I quickly hid again and contacted Taehyung.

Ryo: "Taehyung make sure none of them leaves from here!"

Taehyung: "Got it!"

I then quickly went out again with two other officers following me.

Namjoon pov.

We heard shooting so I turned to the officers, which were standing with me, using the Police cars as protection in case they came here running away from the docks.

Namjoon: "Guys, it has begun. It's our job to make sure, that none of them gets out from here. Did you hear me?"

They all replied with a loud yes and we put our attention again to the front. Suddenly I heard someone calling me from behind of the big Van. I quickly went there and it was a colleague on the phone.

Namjoon: "I don't have time, it better be important."

Colleague: "We found a dead body! It is our undercover officer!"

Namjoon: "What? Do they know that we are here?!"

Colleague: "That's what I thought. Through the autopsy report, we found out that a bullet killed him. Not any bullet but a bullet from a Nighthawk-Firehawk."

Namjoon: "That gun is expensive

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Namjoon: "That gun is expensive. It costs $4,199.00. The only person I know who has that gun is Ryo. Maybe we should ask her afterwards how people can get to that gun."

Colleague: "That won't be necessary."

Namjoon: "Why?"

Colleague: "Mr. Gwan was there when we announced which gun was used. And he said we should check Ryo's gun."

Namjoon: "Of course. He hates us, because he is friends with Mr. Bin." (Was one of the bad detectives in the case of Jungkook's mother)

Colleague: "Yes, his friend lost his job because of you guys."

Namjoon: "Let's just ignore him."

Colleague: "We tried, but somehow he convinced the boss to take a look. This morning before you guys left, I had to make an excuse to take her gun and..."

Namjoon: "And what?"

Colleague: "And the investigations have shown that the gun used to kill our cop was Ryo's..."

Namjoon: "What!? No she didn't do it."

Colleague: "But nobody had the gun except from her. The boss said that you have to bring Ryo in no matter how."

Before I could reply, the officer next to me did.

Officer: "Got it."

The call ended the moment after and he walked out while contacting an officer from her group.

Namjoon: "Wait! I'll do it."

Officer: "I know it will be hard for you to do it, since she is your team leader but this is a direct order."

He said and turned around walking away. I on the other hand quickly took my phone and contacted Yon.

Yon: "Yes? Are they trying to run from your side, because oddly enough we don't see any men running towards us?"

Namjoon: "No, they aren't here yet. Is someone listening right now except you?"

Yon: "No, why? Is everything alright?"

Namjoon: "No, Mr. Gwan is trying to get rid of Ryo. I don't know how but they managed to make it look like Ryo killed someone. I'll tell you the details later but now they want to arrest Ryo!"

Yon: "What?"

Namjoon: "Could you contact Taehyung while I try contacting Ryo?"

Yon: "Sure, but what should we do now?"

Namjoon: "Let's get to the police station and we will think of something there, ok?"

Yon: "Ok."

That was everything she said before she ended the call. I tried to contact Ryo but she didn't pick up, since she was in a shooting. SH*T!

Ryo pov.

Looks good. Almost all of them are down. I shot at last one and hit my target on the shoulder. We tried our best not to kill any of them.

Ryo: "Seems like that was it."

I said to one of the officers and walked out still keeping my gun up, just in case we missed one of them. I kneeled down to a man, who was shot in his leg.

Ryo: "This is the leader of them, we should take him to the police station and find out more about the gang."

I said standing up again. Strangely, I head a gun being loaded. The moment I turned around, I saw the officers all aiming at me.

Ryo: "What?"

Officer: "Hwa Ryo, you are now arrested for killing an Officer. You have the right to remain silent. Everything you say can and will be used against you in curt."

Ryo: "Killed? What?"

Officer: "Hands up where I can see them!"

Immediately I put my hands up in front of my chest shaking my head.

Ryo: "What is going on? I didn't do anything."

Then it became silent, before we heard the sound of a car. We all looked to my right from where we then saw a car nearing. The car made a drift and stood still in front of me. JUNGKOOK?!

Jungkook: "Get in!"

I didn't waste a second and got in the car. I couldn't even close the door fully when Jungkook started driving in full speed. The Officers started fire but we were already gone.

Ryo: "What the hell is going on?!"

Jungkook: "I could ask you the same! How did you manage to make your men point their gun at you?"

My men? Wait... oh no! I ran away from the cops? Now I am also Wanted!


Hey guys!

Part 2 is out now!

As always I hope you liked this chapter :)

Have a nice day/night.

WANTED AGAIN english ver. (BTS Jungkook ff)Where stories live. Discover now