Yesterday; Part 1.1

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Call it her mother's intuition, but Lily knew from the very beginning. She knew it from the moment that she laid eyes on the little family of three walking across King's Cross as the dad pushed along a trolley stacked high with trunks.

That little girl, the one in between the kind-looking couple with her curly brown hair and the sweetest smile, would be a great friend for her son.

She and her own family of five were walking a few steps behind them though with no trolley in sight. All of Harry's things were shrunk and packed away in James' pocket. Hedwig had been released earlier that morning too with instructions to fly directly to the school. Harry was already in his school uniform as he chatted to his parents and little brother and sister how excited he was to finally go to school. Despite her son's chatter and the busy sounds of the station, Lily still managed to overhear the conversation of the family in front of them.

"Hermione darling, are you sure we're heading in the right direction? I'm not aware of a Platform 9 and ¾," the woman said. Lily saw her glance to her husband, the one pushing the trolley, and he shrugged helplessly.

The little girl, Hermione, nodded her head. She, too, was already in her school uniform. The girl's wild, brown curls bobbed up and down as she reassured her mum.

"I read it in Hogwarts, a History," came the sweet little voice. Lily smiled softly to herself. Not many people read that book. "The platform is located in between platforms 9 and 10 at King's Cross Station," she said intelligently. "Although..." Lily heard the little girl falter. "Although... I'm not really sure how to get onto the platform."

Lily looked to James who had heard the conversation as well. He gave a small nod and she walked up to the family.

"Excuse me?" Lily said, catching their attention. "Hello, I'm Lily Potter," she said with a smile to their confused faces. "I couldn't help but overhear your conversation. I'm here with my family as well to drop off my son, Harry. We can show you how to get onto the platform. It's always tricky the first time around."

Confused faces turned to relieved, smiling ones. "Thank you! My name is Rhea Granger," the woman said as she shook Lily's hand. "This is my husband, Hector, and my daughter, Hermione," Rhea introduced.

Lily smiled brightly and gestured to her own brood. "This is my husband, James, and our kids: Ella, Sebastian, and Harry. He's going to Hogwarts today." Lily dragged Harry closer to her and laid a hand on his shoulder. She gave him a small squeeze and a very meaningful glance before looking at the little girl in front of them. She was watching them with wide brown eyes.

Harry blushed a bit since he's a little shy towards strangers. "Hello," he greeted softly. "I'm Harry. What house would you like to be sorted in? I think I want to be in Gryffindor, just like my mum and dad."

And just like that, the little girl was smiling brightly again. She opened her mouth and was off talking about what she had read about the four different houses from Hogwarts, a History and the other books she had purchased and already read that summer. Lily had to stop herself from giggling at Harry's stunned look at the stream of information coming from Hermione's mouth. She truly was a brilliant girl. She recited off facts with such precision that Lily was certain she would do well in school. What Lily found sweet, though, was how Hermione would stop talking long enough for Harry to contribute to the conversation as well.

Her boy seemed in awe of Hermione. Well, all her children seemed in awe of Hermione. She was so excited and she talked with such genuine passion.

She steered the two children towards the platform and the larger group was walking again.

She hung back with James, Rhea and Hector, and her two younger kids to let her son and his new friend get acquainted with one other. Harry was back to talking animatedly now after finally having found someone who held the same enthusiasm as him for school. He was beaming widely at Hermione and nodding his head along to her words.

They were soon at the barrier and James went ahead with Sebastian and Ella to show the Grangers how it was done. They watched in awe as James literally walked right into the stone column with his two children and disappeared from sight. They allowed Harry and Hermione to go together next before the last three adults followed behind them.

They emerged from the other side and the sight of the bright red steam engine stunned the two chatting kids into silence. They happened upon Harry and Hermione standing at the edge of the platform and staring at the large locomotive proudly displaying a sign which read the Hogwarts Express. James showed Hector where to deposit Hermione's luggage while the mothers stood by their children away from the crowd.

The goodbyes were long. Lily watched when Hermione hugged her mum tightly. As Hector came back, the little girl ran into her father's arms and said her goodbyes as well with promises to write to them at least once a week.

Lily's family of five was saying their goodbyes too. Harry hugged each and every one of them. He spent a little more time with Ella though, the youngest of the family, and reassured his teary little sister that she would see him again over Yule. He then patted Sebastian on the shoulder and told him to take care of Ella and mum and dad while he was in school. Eight-year-old Sebastian nodded his head solemnly.

Hermione was suddenly in front of them and saying her goodbyes to the Potters. She thanked Lily and James once again for showing them how to get onto the platform and gave kind smiles to the two younger children. Then, she held out her hand for her new friend just as the train gave its final warning toot.

Harry and Hermione boarded the train together, hand-in-hand. They stuck their heads out of the window of their compartment as the train moved away from the platform. Lily watched with all of those left behind until the red engine was completely out of her sight. The Potters bid goodbye to the Grangers after agreeing to meet up for tea next weekend (since the parents had hit it off really well) and left the station.

On the way home, Lily couldn't help but give a big sigh which her husband saw. His free hand was suddenly around her waist and he brought her closer to his side.

"Sad, love?" James asked in a murmur as the family of four walked towards the apparition point.

"Of course," Lily said with a nod. "But... relieved too. I'm glad he has a friend already."

James grinned. "Hermione seems like a sweet girl. Nice parents, too. I like the Grangers."

"Mhm," Lily mused. "I really like them as well. I hope they grow to be best friends."

And it's true, she really did. Harry didn't have a lot of close friends his age. He had his pre-school friends, but they were all Muggle. The wizarding world still hasn't found it necessary to send their children to school before eleven but Lily Potter nee Evans wouldn't have any of that. She was adamant that Harry gets the proper education he needs during his formative years that she sent him to a Muggle pre-school. However, this meant that he didn't have many magical friends. They were acquainted with the Longbottoms, but it's been years since Harry and Neville had seen each other. Lily hoped that they would meet again during school. The Potters knew the Weasleys as well, but they weren't really close. The last time she saw the whole family of redheads was at the Ministry during some family event. Unfortunately, the littlest boy and the one closest to Harry's age was really rude to her son. Harry said he didn't like the statue at the Ministry's atrium and the boy had mocked him.

Yes, they were kids, but Lily took that interaction to heart. She wouldn't stop her son from befriending the Weasley boy if he wanted to, but she certainly wouldn't push for it.

Harry needed a friend who was kind and considerate and loyal and genuine.

And Lily had a feeling Hermione would be just that.

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