Yesterday; Part 1.3

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Yule arrived and went, with Harry, Hermione, and Neville visiting each other's families over the holidays. Harry was so excited when his two best friends were over at Potter Manor. They helped to decorate the tree and played outside in the very large and magiced backyard. There was a charm around the property that protected it from snow and kept it warm. They even raced each other on brooms that were enchanted with all sorts of safety spells. Professor Sirius Black, aka "Godfather" to Harry, was over to visit that day as well. Hermione blushed to her roots when he complimented her on her flying.

"You've gotten so much better on the broom, Ms. Granger!" Sirius said.

"Th-thanks, Professor," Hermione said with a smile. "Harry's been teaching me. He's really good! I think he should even try-out for the Quidditch team!"

It was Harry's turn to blush. "Maybe next year. I still have a lot to learn first," he said.

"Go and grab your broom again, son, and let me teach you a few tricks-"

"Absolutely not!" Lily cried after hearing James' offer. She came storming out from the glass door of the kitchen with a glare on her pretty face. "You will certainly NOT be teaching Harry any tricks on the broom, James. That's dangerous!"

James looked at Lily with wide-eyed innocence. "But Lils..."

Her eyes narrowed further. "No. Tricks. He's eleven!" After relaying her command, she went back inside to finish cooking dinner.

James looked at Harry and gave him a wink. "We won't tell mum, then," he whispered conspiratorially.

Hermione giggled along with Neville at the scene. She knew that Mr. Potter was a professional Quidditch player of some famous team. She was certain he could do stunts on the broom that would make her heart drop. She imagined Harry doing them as well and her heart gave a thump.

Yep, heart drop indeed.


As the first school year progressed, it became very clear to James and Lily that Hermione Granger was their son's best friend. Every letter from Harry had mentions of Hermione. Not over-the-top mentions, of course, but enough to let the Potters know that Hermione Granger had cemented herself at the top of Harry's friends list. Neville was in Harry's letters as well, but not as much as the little witch.

This was no problem to James and Lily since they really liked Hermione. She was smart and brilliant, but she was also strong-headed and feisty. She was by no means meek and this helped Harry get over some of his shyness. 

Lily especially loved Hermione because of her smarts and her willingness to help Harry with his schoolwork. Oftentimes Harry would write to them saying that he received a good mark on an essay because of Hermione's help. She was even described as patient for helping the much clumsier Neville better his wand-casting or potions-making. Lily appreciated this a lot since she has no tolerance for arrogance or obnoxiousness. As the Head Unspeakable of the British Ministry of Magic, she expected each one of her charges to be experts in their respective fields but still share their discoveries with the rest of the team. Knowledge gained would better one's self but a knowledge shared betters the world.   

James, on the other hand, thought the world of Hermione because of what she did outside of schoolwork. Now, James was thankful that he and Harry still shared a bond which allowed him to be privy to his son's secrets. He knew that as Harry grew older the number of secrets shared between them would decrease. But for now, he was still his son's confidante. So, naturally, James knew all about what happened in between classes. After all, his best friend and fellow Marauder was also a professor in the same school.

It was one Monday morning when Hedwig came through the window carrying Harry's letter. Lily grabbed the bundle, but within the envelope was a smaller letter addressed only to "Dad". She shrewdly handed the parchment to her husband since she wasn't one to go snooping through someone else's mail. She read Harry's main letter while casting glances at James as he read his.

He snorted into his cup of coffee and Lily's eyes rose from her reading. He was shaking with silent laughter as he read the mail.

"What did he write to you about?" Lily asked suspiciously.

"I can't tell you, love, Marauder's code," James said.

She rolled her eyes. "James, if Harry's in any trouble..."

"You know he isn't," he soothed. After a minute of silence and with her looking at him with narrowed eyes, he acquiesced. "Fine, I'll tell you, but promise me you won't be upset with them."

Her eyes narrowed further. "Why would I be upset?"

"Just promise me."

"Fine, I promise I won't be upset."

James smiled toothily. "Good. They set a professor on fire."


"They set a professor's robe on fire... well, it was Hermione who cast the Inflamare but Harry caused the distraction."

"What? Why?" Lily asked flabbergasted.  

"Because the bloody idiot made Neville cry."

She sat down, speechless. Harry and Hermione were protective of Neville, and he really was a sweet boy though not incredibly graceful, that she couldn't find it in herself to be a little upset.

"They didn't get detentions for it either!" James crowed, proudly. "It was during lunch in the Great Hall. Harry set off a distraction - he didn't say what though - and Hermione creeped up behind the high table while it was chaos and set his robes on fire!"

"Whose robes?" Lily asked weakly.

James barked out a laugh and wiped tears from his eyes. "That's the best part! It was Snape's!"

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