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(A few months later)

(Kamryn POV)

"I like this couch it got the rhinestones and stuff real cute" I said to Connie

we were currently at the furniture store shopping for my apartment that I recently got I got it because I felt like I was getting to old to live with my mom

even though I'm only 18 finna be 19 in two months I still need my own space

"Yea it's cute but not for your place" She said with an attitude I just nodded and looked at another one

Me and Connie haven't been as close as we used to be since we graduated she never answers any of my calls or when we run into each other she acts liked we aren't bestfriends

"Connie wassup with you" I asked

"Um nothing is wrong with me what do you mean" she asked not making eye contact

"i didnt say anything was wrong with you but i mean you been real m.i.a for the last couple of months" I said

she looked down and played with her fingers she only does that when she has something on her mind

"I- I'm pregnant Kamryn I dont know what to do I dont wanna kill an innocent child but then again im not ready for this I can barely take care of myself" She ranted as tears began to fall from her eyes

"Stop crying why didn't you tell me this earlier I would have been there for you I'm always there for you" I said kinda upset that I'm just now getting told this

"Kam I didn't want you to judge me I'm only 19 my mom doesn't even know yet" She said biting the inside of my lip I didn't know what to say

"But out of all people why would I judge you Connie your my bestfriend I support you and anything that comes with you" I said truthfully

"Kamryn its Mirons baby" she said and my smile dropped biting the inside of my check I nodded

"Your wild as fuck" I said walking out the store Connie was my ride so I just called Shay I really need to get me a car

me and Shay haven't been around each other as much either and the reasoning is because shes been working on her company

she recently quit both jobs so she could focus on one thing at a time I'm truly happy for her

"Wassup babyy girl" she said

"Um could you please come get me from the mall" I asked my voice shook as I talked

I wasn't mad that she messed around with Miron I was mad that she messed with my ex knowing what he put me through and then shes pregnant

"Yea why you sound like that what's wrong" she asked i heard her car start

"I dont know I'm finna see you when you get here" I said quickly hanging up
About five minutes later a black BMW pulled up in front of me

Who the fuck

the passenger window rolled down revealing Shay and lord did she look good

"Bae come on now you ain't finna sit and stare" She said unlocking the doors

"You look mighty good this evening pep the fresh cut and hollon pep the ride" I boosted and everything that went down with Connie flew out my head

I don't think yall understand Shay makes me so happy we have only been together for a 5 months and this has been the best time of my life

"Thank you but that's all you" she said leaning over she was about to kiss me but she didn't

"All that fuckin lip gloss" she said mugging me I looked in the glove department for a napkin but it was empty

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