I'm so sorry this mf is the first rant

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TW//mentions of abuse, alcoholism, smoking, strokes/heart attacks/death in general


Time to have coherent thoughts

I've noticed I only have coherent thoughts about this man and his stupid little ram character so here we are i am so sorry

Please excuse my shit word choice/placement, I'm tired.

//slight mention of homophobia/racism// Please also note that I, in no way, support the stuff Schlatt has said/done in the past. While I will not excuse any of the stuff he's said, and I personally can't accept the apologies for the racist stuff as I am not a poc, I am able to accept the homophobic ones (and I have). He absolutely deserves to be held accountable for past actions. Just clearing that up before anyone asks about it. :)

Please also also note I don't have a 100% deal on the Manburg v Pogtopia arc and stuff before Tommy, so I'm sorry if stuff is wrong lmao but this is just what I've gathered

This is gonna be a mess
So, first things first;
Because of course this mf's the first thing.

Schlatt, in my opinion, is the most realistic villain/antagonist on the server, while also being the best president for L'Manburg/Manburg, and here's why:

Schlatt is a realistic villain because of his actions (obviously). His quick exiling of Wilbur and Tommy, the alcoholism, the smoking, the unnecessary extra taxes for Niki, the abuse towards his cabinet; all of that leads him to be a realistic antagonist. Think abt it- he banned the founders of the nation he was elected to rule (a good political choice but we'll get back to that), gave Niki more taxes because she didn't like him (generally a dick move but given the state of America that is definitely a realistic choice), he's a smoker/drinker, which..a lot of people are, and it's because of that addiction he's abusive to his cabinet/fiance(???/that being Quackity). Tubbo's execution was also extra as fuck, as well as kinda unnecessary? I think?

He's realistic to the point of it wouldn't be surprising if there was news of a politician who acted like the character(hopefully minus the public execution of a 16 yr old, though).

Going to the "best president of Manburg" thing; obviously, morally speaking, he's far from the best president. However, morals and politics don't seem to mix well on this damn server so we're not focousing on that.

Exiling Wilbur and Tommy was a smart decision. He was getting rid of the people who were messing with a democratic election. He tore the walls down, potentially opening up Manburg to others on the server. Was upping Niki's taxes smart? No, that was stupid lmao. However, while he was in rule, Manburg was the most United it had ever been. Against him, sure, but it still counts. Most importantly, though; Dream wasn't able to manipulate Manburg while Schlatt was alive.

A realistic antagonist deserves a realistic death. :)

At the end of the Nov.16th war, Schlatt dies in the drug_van of a alcohol induced (I think) stroke/heart attack. And my g*d does it upset me-

Don't get me wrong- I completely understand why he died in the way that he did, from a storytelling standpoint. It was set up to be this sorta-big, extra assassination/execution; Wilbur and Tommy getting rid of the guy who banished them from their home, Quackity, Fundy, and Tubbo being rid of the guy who hurt them, and then it just.
Didn't happen?

I mean; yeah, they got rid of him, but technically speaking, he got rid of himself. And it completely fits his realistic standard; he was an alcoholic, so he dies of an alcohol issue. It makes sense.

It's just,,,,,,,, so anticlimactic?? Which I 100% get in both a realistic standpoint and a storytelling one, but like.

It's upsetting to me lmao

(Here's the Big Q supremacy rant boys I'm so sorry)

Like; I feel like it would've been so interesting if it was Tubbo or Quackity that killed Schlatt.

Tubbo, because of his execution mainly but also just because Schlatt banished his best friend.
Quackity, because this is the man who abused him a lot of their time in office. Quackity's killed him once, at the white house, sure; but think about how it would've went if Quackity was the one pointing the crossbow at Schlatt's face instead of Tommy.
If Quackity was finally able to properly control an argument with him before he wouldn't have to deal with schlatt anymore.
Would that potentially be the start of a Big Q villain arc? Yes. And I would be fuckin here for it dude-

I do understand why nothing like that happened, and why he died from himself. I do; it's just,, upsetting lmao

It's set up to be extra and fun and then purposely falls flat witch makes sense, and was executed super well (especially considering the script was just "Schlatt dies if a fucking heart attack lmao"//schlatt carried that, by the way)

Ok I'm done with Schlatt for now lmfao

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2021 ⏰

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