Needing Friends

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Most of you may think this is useless, and that NO ONE could ever understand. You're right. Nobody will ever understand or try to help unless you let us. You have to let us know. Your parents... siblings... family members love you. They will talk to you. 

But, for some people I know, this may not be the case. Some families don't want to listen, which is terribly heartbreaking but true. In that case, I promise you, you can talk to me. I know, I'm a stranger, maybe younger or older than you. But, I've had five friends already IRL that were depressed, and two of them were suicidal. I may have never experienced the feeling of wanting to end life myself, but I've talked to people. Once you get a grasp of the beauty of life again, I promise you things will get better. 

If you're comfortable with it, I promise, I'm happy to listen to any of you guys. Send me a message on my conversations, or you can even DM me if that's too public. I will listen to you.

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