Narrator's P.O.V (A.K.A Britt)

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Hey my lovelies!!!! I'm soooo sorry I haven't updated. It just that some stuff has been happening in my personal life and I've had to deal with it. I'll try to make this chapter a bit long since I'm going to be narrating it. Well let's get to it.


Blaire stood in front of Buttercup and Butch awaiting an answer from one of them. Neither of them wanted to play the game. Not that it was scary for them though. They both have beaten both the first and second one in just three tries. But this time if they messed up and died then the black haired girl would 'punish' them. What kind of punishment could this evil little girl have in mind? Annoyed by their silence the girl spoke. "If one of u don't volunteer then I'll choose who plays first!" The couple looked at each other then sighed. "I'll go." They both said together. The little girl facepalmed. "U both can't go together! One of u and only one of u goes first!" She said crossing her arms. Butch placed a hand on Bc's shoulder. "I'll go first. Okay?" Bc nodded. "Finally. Now follow me both of u." Blaire said leading them to the computer. "Now u sit here!" Blaire said to Butch pointing to the small black office chair in front of the computer.

Blaire then ran over to another door across the room. Only this door was a black door that fit in with room perfectly. She opened the door and grabbed two wooden chairs. She brought them over to the computer and set one on each side of Butch's chair. "There now we have a seat." The girl said smiling. Blaire sat to the right of Butch as Bc sat to the left of him. Bc looked up at Butch worriedly. He returned it with a smile. "Don't worry I'll be fine. I'll beat it in one shot." He said but that didn't help Bc. She knew that they couldn't beat it without messing up. Bc looked down as Butch started the first night.

5 minutes later

"Fuck!!" Butch screamed falling out of the chair. Bc and Blaire quickly stood and over to him. Bc kneeled down next to him and grabbed his hand helping him up. "Thanks babe." He said then they both looked at girl. Blaire was not happy with his performence. Though he did make it to about 4 a.m.. She still thought they were better than that. The three stood there in silence for about a minutes until Blaire smiled her creepy smile and looked up at them. Bc and Butch backed up abit. "Okay so...that didn't take very long now did it." She said walking closer to them. "Look we can do it! Its just-" Bc said before she was interrupted. "I don't care!!..... Its time for the punishment." Blaire walked over to a blank wall. Unlike the others this walk wasn't decorated and was painted black. Well except for a creepy poster. The poster had what looked like a dirty white wall that had writing on it. The words said, ' I Never Knew Much About People Until I Took One Apart.... Just To See How It Worked.' And it looked like it was written in blood also.

Blaire walked to the poster and lifted it revealing a small red button. She pushed the button as she looked over at Buttercup and Butch. At first nothing seemed to happen, but then the floor started to shake revealing something in the wall. When everything calmed down, the two looked at the wall. The wall was covered with different tools. Such as hammers, saws, screwdrivers, drills, ect. It was horrifying though. Why? U ask. The answer simple. There was dried blood on almost every tool. Buttercup's eyes widen and quickly moved from the wall to Butch. His skin had went pale when the wall opened to reveal the horrifying sight. His eyes were also wide and he had has jaw hanging down. Blaire smiled at their reactions and walked over to them. "So u like it. It took me forever to get my daddy to get me these. He said it was dangerous for me to play with tools, but I told him that was a bad daddy if he didn't get me these. So he got them for me. I've used them on many things. Like a maid that was worthless, hamster, an old butler, well u know things like that." Blaire laughed evilly. Bc looked up at Butch once more. He had gotten a little more color in his skin but was still pretty pale. He gulped. "S-so what a-are u going t-to do to me?" He asked nervously. Blaire stopped laughing and looked at Butch. "Oh I don't know I don't get to choose." She said shifting her eyes to Bc. "She does." Blaire said pointing to Bc. Buttercup's widened again. "M-me?!" She said stumbling backwards. "Of course. I love doing this to couples. Making their partner choose the weapon that I torture the other with." She smiled. "Now get to it or I'll have to choose a painful one." Bc slowly walked over to the wall and tryed to think of which tool would be less painful. She saw three that she could possibly choose from. A wrench, hot gun, and a stapler. She knew these would all hurt him in some way so she tried to pick the that she thought would hurt less. She thought then finally decided she would pick......


Hey my lovelies!! So did u like it? Probably not. Well guess what? The three tools that Bc has to from u guys get to choose which tool she uses. Just comment which one u choose and if u can think of a different tool then tell me. I'll tally up the votes and I'll use the most commented one as the tool. I'll try to make it not that painful for him. I promise. Well bye my lovelies!!! Remember to comment!!

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