Narrator's P.O.V

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Hey my lovelies!!! So today should be Monday March 30th if I'm correct. Well today is one of my best friends and one of my best followers birthday. So let's all say Happy Birthday to.....Betzy_Pasillas!!!!! So this chapter is my birthday present to her. Happy Birthday!!! Now let's get to this story my lovelies!!!


Buttercup stood frozen in front of the horrifying wall of tool. The blood stained, rusted, sharp edged tools she saw made her feel a little dizzy. Though she knew she needed to pick one of them or else the girl would pick for her. She also knew if the girl were to pick one of these it would be one of the most painful ones. Buttercup didn't want that. She just wanted Butch and her to leave and go home to their loving friends and families. Buttercup began to feel tears come to her eyes as she stared and thought. Though she didn't know that just behind a very angry little girl was get inpatient. Blaire had her arms crossed and her foot was tapping away. She looked from Buttercup to the frightened teenager beside her. He stared at Buttercup. Sweat was pouring down his forehead. He was nervous. It wasnt hard to see. Blaire looked back at the frozen girl and groaned loudly. She stomped over to Buttercup and punched her hard in the back of the head causing her to fall. Buttercup sat up rubbing the back of her head and looked up at the girl above her. Blaire kneeled down next to her and grabbed Buttercup by the hair. Butch snapped out of his frightened state when he heard a scream. He shook his head and ran over to Blaire and Buttercup. "Stop!!! Leave her alone!!!" He yelled as he stopped right in front of them. Blaire looked up at him with a cold stare and released Buttercup. Getting up, Blaire walked over to the wall. Butch kneeled down to Buttercup helping her up.

"Listen Bc," He said quickly, "You need to run." Buttercup looked at him with widened eyes and her mouth dropped open a little. "B-but why about you and how am I supposed to ran when she could get one of those tools attack me?" She asked worriedly with tears streaming down her face. "Don't worry about me and don't worry about getting caught by her. I'll distract her while you run. Go get Peta or someone and come back for me but don't stay in this room where you could get badly hurt. When I start to distract her that's your cue to run." Butch said with a few tear forming in his eyes. He cupped her face and kissed her lips lightly then pulled away. "I love you." He said as a single tear slid down his cheek. "I love you too." Buttercup said afterwards. Tears were flowing down her face as she hugged him tightly. "Finally I think I found the perfect tool. It might not be the most painful but whatever. Haha Haha hahahahahah!!" Blaire evilly laughed. Butch and Buttercup released each other as Blaire walked towards them with that creepy smile of hers. Butch looked at Buttercup. "Go and don't turn back until" Buttercup nodded and ran towards the door. She heard the girl scream 'Stop!!' But she knew that she shouldn't turn around so she kept running. But something made her stop. She heard a scream only a guy would make then a roaring of an electric saw or something. She had to turn around. She had to save him......but he told her to go. She couldn't stand hearing his deep screams so she took a quick look behind her and what she saw made her wish she had never looked. She widened her eyes. Tears were now flowing down her face faster than before.

Blaire was sitting on top of Butch holding a small electric saw to his neck. There were cuts all over his arms. Blood pouring out of them fastly. He also had a gash or two around his eyes. He looked in serious pain just by her sitting on him. Though she was sitting on his chest so that might be why. The small saw was inches away from his neck and Buttercup couldn't take it. She screamed a high pitched scream that no one had ever heard before. It was so loud and so high pitched that all three of them had to cover their ears even though Buttercup could still hear herself. Blaire had to throw the saw to the side to cover her ears. Butch quickly saw that action and took the chance to free himself. He uncovered his ears for a moment and pushed the small girl off him. He quickly got up and ran to Buttercup to try and calm her down. He grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her. She slowly lowered her voice and opened her eyes that still had tears pouring out of them. She looked up at him and felt more tears forming. She quickly pulled him into a tight hug and let the tears flow more. He hugged her back but then out of the corner of his eye he saw Blaire sit up on the ground near the small saw. "B-buttercup," He whispered. " We need to go before she gets up." She looked at him and nodded. They each let go of each other and ran to the door and opened it but then bumped into someone. They looked up and saw a pair of familiar chocolate brown eyes staring down on them worriedly. "Peta!!!!" They both exclaimed at the same time. "Go!! I'll deal with her!!" He yelled pushing them through the hall.

Buttercup and Butch ran through the halls and down the tall stair case and finally out the door. Buttercup looked back at the mansion with a sad worried look. She shook her head and ran to the car where Butch had already gotten in and started the engine. She jumped into the front side and threw on her seatbelt. They both took one more look at the mansion. They thought about what was happening in there right now and how that small girl could have gotten such violent thoughts. They both were worried about Peta but were both very appreciated what he did. They both sighed. Butch pulled out of the drive way and out onto the road. They drove home in silence though Buttercup would look over at him occasinally. Looking at his arms with dried blood covering them. His face also had little cuts and those two gashes. His neck though only had a little cut. Blood wasnt ever coming out. That's how small it was. Butch was lucky though if she hadn't turned around.....he could've been dead by the time she came back with help. He did appreciate that she did what she did but he was also mad that she didn't listen to him. He glanced over at her. She was staring out the window watching the trees pass by. Butch sighed and took hold of her hand. She looked at him with a slight blush. Butch glanced at her again. "Thank you......for helping me back there. Even though I told you to run. But I guess I'm glad you stopped and helped me." He said looking at the road. " Yeah. I'm sorry about that it's just....I was so worried. I mean I heard you screaming and I can't deal with that!" "Hey...It's okay. I'm happy you stopped. If it wasn't for you I probably wouldn't be here." Silence filled the car once more. Butch thought of something that might cheer Buttercup up at least a little. He pulled over the car and turned towards Buttercup. "Why did we pull over? What's going on?" Buttercup asked confused. " I just want to tell you something. Something I want you to know." She nodded. " Okay....from the start of this trip I knew something was going to happened. I just....didn't know something like that was going to happen. I realized when I saw that girl come at us with that little saw that I had to tell you to run. I had to tell you to go and get out of there so at least I knew you were going to be safe from her. But when you did run, I knew that I was going to get hurt. I knew that she was going to do something to me. I knew that I was in great danger. Yes I was afraid. I was afraid for my life and I could feel that you were afraid too. But I realized that I could over come my save you. I care so much about you. And I love you. I don't want to see you get hurt...again. I can't stand to see you hurt. That's why I wanted you to run. I new by the time you would've came back with help....I would've been dead. I was willing to die to save you. That's how much I love you. But when you stopped to help me I became even more worried. And after your huge scream, I just glad you were okay and that I was okay too." Buttercup had tears running down her cheeks by the end of his speech but she finally spoke. " I was so worried about you. I didn't want you to die and your screaming just made me even more worried. To be honest, I don't really know what happened after I turned around and saw you. Just remember seeing you on the ground with her on top of you with a saw to your neck that next thing I knew you were in front of me shaking me." Silence fell again in the car. Butch thught of one more thing to say to her though. " Bc....There's one more thing I want to tell you." Buttercup nodded wiping some tears from her eyes. Butch took hold of both of her hands and looked into her eyes. "You're mine and I love you.......No matter what." They both smiled at each other and leaned in for a kiss.


Hey my lovelies!!!! I hope you liked it!!!! This wasn't supposed to be the end of it but some how it became the end. But I do hope that you lovelies enjoyed this book and my first one. I especially hope that you lovelies liked the little speeches that I typed up for Bc and Butch. They were sweet don't you think. Also Happy Birthday again to Betzy_Pasillas. I hope you enjoyed your birthday present from me. And I hope you lovelies enjoyed this mini series. Thank you and Bye for now my lovelies!!

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