∆How you met∆ ALL CHARACTERS

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Hajun Yeon:

•You were getting bullied by some brats they were annoying to say at the least. They would never leave you alone! Argh how you wish you can just punch them in the faces and stuff. But you couldn't you know damn well they would tell the principal.
•You also didn't want your parents to deal with this. They already have so much things in their hands.. You don't wanna put another problem in their hands.
•"Ouch! That hurted!" You say at a bully that pushed you into a locker. "That's what you get anyways! Don't complain! It's your fault for not finishing our homework anyways!" The bully says to you while smiling like a devil. How evil... All of the bullies laugh at you. Their voices were like ringing bells.. It hurted your ears so much.
•"Stop pls... S---" You were about to finish your sentence until a sweet melody of a voice speaks "What are you doing to such a innocent girl?" You turn around and looked a the blond boy. He was handsome.. A very eye catching face. You looked at him and looked away.. Yup a very handsome man.
•"W-who are you?!" One of the bullies say and the other bullies look at him with a shocked face "It's your job to find out, But I do know I'm not at your side right now." Wow.. Not to mention kinda intimidating.. The girl bullies look at him and blushed. Should you be doing that too?
•"Make it easy for all of us and leave the poor girl alone." He says again. "Alright--! fine! Let's go ladies!!" The bullies walked away. "Thank you very much." You say to the blond boy. "You don't need to thank me" He smiles at you, but you definitely knew that was just a fake smile. "We should fix your scars." His smile fades while looking at your scars.
•"I assume the bullies did this to you?" He walks towards you while staring at the scars. "Yup." You say quickly. "Here take my hand" He smiles again and puts his hand towards your face. You take it, and he pulled you to a nurses office. You both walked in but the nurse wasn't there.
•"Why do people not pay attention to their jobs.. It's so embarrassing" He says mumbling but you heard him correctly. You stare at him. "What are we gonna do now?" You say with curiosity. You could of course walked around the school with scars. They don't even hurt that much. You'll probably manage.
•"I'm gonna fix you myself of course." He walks to a shelf and opens it. It contained bandages and some alcohol. "These will do." he takes some bandages and the bottle of alcohol. Oh no.. You can deal with scars.. But alcohol on your scars?... Haha... No.
•You stare at him and move away a little bit. "Are you scared?" He asks and smiles a little bit. "Yup! Definitely" You say with a sweat crawling down your head. "It's fine, Just don't move and you won't even get a hint of pain." He smiles at you. WELL THAT DOESN'T HELP DOES IT.
•"Um.. Okay?" You say. He smiles again and kneeled right in front of you while taking your leg full of scars. Then putting some alcohol on it. "Aghn! Ouch..." You say while biting your lip. He looks up "Does it hurt?" He says. "Yeah.." You look away. He sighs. "Stop moving then." Wow he grew cold.
•"Okay.." You stopped moving. It hurted a little bit but not that much that you had to bit your lip. "Does it hurt?" He asks once again. "Not that much.. You say. He then smiles. "See? Now we're finished." He then grabs a couple of the bandages and sticked them onto your legs.
•"There! We're finally done!" He says while smiling. "Thank you... Um.. " He smiles at you again "Hajun Yeon." He says and looks away. "Thank you Hajun." You said and look up at him, then smile. "Well we're done with our business here you can go now." Well.. Atleast he was nice enough to fix your legs a bit.
•"Uhm.. Okay! Well thank you a lot! I hope we meet again!" You smile then ran away.
•"How.. Embarrassing.." Was the last thing he said.
(Sorry if it's bad)

Anne Faulker:

•As rain falls from the sky a figure walks into the rain with a umbrella. AWHHHH..... You didn't know it would rain today so you had to run into a store and buy a umbrella with your last pieces of money you wanted to give your friend because you owed her something....
•Arghhhh how are you gonna get money now? Lemonade stand? Help a store or a restaurant if you can even get employed! You had to do something..... Your friend would probably be so disappointed!!-
•"Huh?" You say outloud with curiosity clinging onto the word. You saw a pink headed figure underneath a store sitting down on a bench watching the rain fall with a disappointment and even a mix of sadness on her face.
•Does she not have a umbrella? She could just buy one in the store... Maybe she doesn't have money? Oh well, you started walking towards the girl you were about to hand her your umbrella! You don't need it anyways. You can just use your jacket! You also can't just leave a pretty/nice girl on the bench with that kind of face on herself!
•You went towards her. "Um.... H-hey.. " You call out with a hint of nervousness and worry. The girl glanced at you and smiled "Hi~ nice to meet you! What kind of business do you need from me?" she looks at you while tilting her head. Oh god she's pretty.
•"Um... I wanna give you my umbrella... You look kinda sad about the rain and you look like you don't have anything to use in the rain.. So here!!!!" You push the umbrella to her hands "hmm, I don't need it sweetheart. My friends are gonna pick me up! If I take your umbrella what are you gonna use?" she says and tilts her head farther and puts the umbrella in your hand quite quickly. "I... Um... I'M SO SORRY! I DIDN'T KNOW!" You spat out quite loudly.
•oh god why did you have to say that so loud? Your so embarrassed right now.... You look at her with a flustered face. She starts laughing. Wow even her laugh is so beautiful.. You look at her in awe. She then looks at you. "Aww are you embarrassed? That's cute." she says while smiling you get even more flustered then before. "oh it looks like they are almost here!" she looks at her phone while saying that at the same time. Oh you feel so dumb right now.... "Um.. SORRY! I'll be going now" You felt like you just wasted her time with your blabing until she pulls you and put ¥500 yen in your hands
•"I..... What is this for?" You look at her with a concerned face. Is she going crazy? She just gave me ¥500.
"Ah! It's for talking to me and making me enjoy being here! So just have it!" she smiles while looking at you. Oh wow.... She just gave me yen.. IT'S MY LUCKY DAY! I CAN GIVE THIS TO MY FRIEND!!!! I look at her "Well thank you a lot! I also enjoyed being with you! I hope you have a nice evening!" You run away. She smiles at you running away farther and farther
•That was nice. I wonder when I'm gonna meet them again.

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