∆Meeting each other again∆ ALL CHARACTERS

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Hajun Yeon:

It was now a day after the day you got bullied and were saved by a handsome but quite intimidating man.
You were just thankful he saved you and didn't walk away and ignored like other people.

Now, you were standing in front of your private university, with a bag of food in it. You wanted to thank the man for saving you from getting beaten up by those bullies by giving him a bag of food. Well, you could have fighted them off. But, before you could. The man called "Hajun Yeon" Came and saved you. Now you're in this situation.

"Let's just get this over with" You had said with obvious exhaustion in your voice. You had to wake up early.... Way to early, to go to different stores to find some decent food

You pushed the doors of the university open. Now, the hard step, finding him and giving him it. You know this university is big, thus it will take some minutes or hours to find him and give him it. You started walking and searching, not wanting to waste minutes.

Some minutes past and you finally found him. In the nursery. You just stood there and was questioning why in the world was he in the nursery? Maybe he was hurt? Was he there to get some stuff his professor asked or something? No... That can't be. Maybe, HE WAS STEALING STUFF?! No, no, that's to much. He wouldn't do that.

You finally got out of your thoughts. You walked towards him, and the sounds of your shoes caught his attention and he turned his head and looked at you. "Ah, Hello miss! Why are you here?" His melody of a voice ranged out.

You squirt your eyes and put the bag of food in front of his face. "I wanted to say thank you to you from saving me from those rascals by giving you this bag of food" You said and smiled. "Ah! Thank you! This really makes me super happy!" He had a very pleased expression afterwards.

You felt very satisfied that he had liked your 'thank you' gift. You had to wake up early to do it, so of course. This kind of appreciation makes you pleased and satisfied!

"I'm happy you like it!" You said with a very huge grin on your face. You were a little bit to happy.. Were you?

You looked at him while he opened the bag and looked at the stuff inside. you saw a surprised look but he quickly turned that expression into a happy one. "This is a little bit to much for me to finish on my own. How about you eat with me? I want to know you more."

You could literally see a angel halo above his head. But nevertheless you were EXTREMELY hungry today. Because you didn't eat your breakfast, you were occupied in finding some decent foods to thank the man.

"Crist if you could, I would be thankful." You plead with pleasing eyes that directed to the bag of food. He chuckled. "Let's go to a place thats comfortable to eat." He smiled with content and walked out the nursery.

You followed after him with a secretly drooling mouth. You know what you picked out. So, your gonna have some good food in your stomach. You both planned out to sit outside on the bench

"These look great! Thank you again, you didn't really need to do all this for me" his smile beamed. "Don't even worry! I wanted to do this! So just appreciate my gift" you put up a thumbs up while a huge grin was on your face.

He sighs and nods. You both finally opened the bag and got on eating. You grabbed a small bag which has the label "Shrimp chips" on it and popped it open. While Hajun took out a little box that says "pocky" on it. He looked... Confused?

"You good?" You ask, kinda worried. "Oh! Yes, I'm just quite confused right now." No, no... Did he not know what pocky's were?.. "Confused about what?" He looked at you. He looked... Kinda embarrassed? "Uhm, .. Well... I don't know what pocky's are." You felt like you just got thunderstrucked.

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