Chapter 9 ~ Good news and New Advice

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Francesca ~

Well, I woke up at 10:00 am as Diego was at Art's rebel working with his dad, I thought I would meet up with Camila, where I spoke to Diego and I thought I would tell Camila about my pregnancy where I need to tell her.

I got dressed and made my way to the café, where I saw Camila sitting down at the table, she looked down.

Francesca: Hey, Camila.

Camila: Hey, Francesca, how are you?

Francesca: I'm good, how are you?

Camila: Broduey is acting weird with me.

Francesca: Oh, like he could be planning something?

Camila: Yeah, he's always sneaking out of the house.

Francesca: Have you asked him about it?

Camila: No, what would I say? "Oh, Broduey what are you up to? Because I have noticed you've been in and out of the house a lot?"

Francesca: Well, I wouldn't ask him in that way.

Camila: How are you and Diego?

Francesca: Well, I need to tell you something, but you can't tell anyone not even Violetta or Broduey nobody.

Camila: Oh, go on.

Francesca: Diego and I...

Camila: Diego and you?

Francesca: Are having a baby!!!

Camila: What!!!

Francesca: Shh!!!

Camila: Oh, my god, Violetta and I going to be aunties!!!

Francesca: Camila, you can't tell Violetta.

Camila: Why?

Francesca: We are keeping it quiet for now.

Camila: But, Francesca, Violetta isn't going to be happy that you told me and not her.

Francesca: No, Camila, I can't face it right now.

Camila: So, when are planning on telling everyone when you've had it because it's not going to be easy to hide it, Francesca!!!

Francesca: I'll tell them when I'm ready, and when I know the time is right.

Camila: You are crazy!!!

Francesca: Camila, promise me, you're not going to tell anyone?

Camila: I promise, Francesca, I'm so happy for you. 

I smiled at her, as we went to the Studio and we just relaxed before class.

Meanwhile, Broduey was talking to Federico, Maxi, and Andres, about Camila.

Federico: So, how's it going with you and Camila? Since the music Video and Violetta leaving?

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Federico: So, how's it going with you and Camila? Since the music Video and Violetta leaving?

Broduey: Not very well, I have never seen Camila so depressed it's like she's afraid that Francesca is going to leave the Studio as well.

Maxi: Well, Francesca has got Art rebel with Diego, she might start working there instead.

Andres: *Writing things down* So, would you say Camila and you are fine or not fine?

Broduey: It's complicated right now, where I'm trying to make her happy, but I don't think it's enough anymore.

Maxi: What are you say Broduey? Are thinking of ending it with Camila?

Broduey: Well, we are in no way ready for marriage or being parents, and I just feel like Camila and I are always going backward instead of forwards.

Maxi: Well. What are you going to do now?

Andres: Are you going to end it with her?

Federico: Broduey, I think you need to stop and think where if you break up with Camila, she would've lost you as well and that will make her even more depressed because she already feels like she's losing her friends, and then you're going to leave her as well.  

Broduey: I know your right.

Maxi: Besides look at Leon and Violetta how many times have they argued or broken up but now look at them they have a great marriage with two beautiful children maybe that will be you and Camila.

Federico: Exactly, look at Ludmila and me, I never thought I would date the most devious supernova in my life, but I did, and do you know what I'm very happy I listened to my heart where I have the love of my life and I have a little boy.

Maxi: Yeah, nobody knew that was going to happen, just like I never thought I would be with Naty, where I always thought of her as Ludmila's shadow and now she is the love of my life.  

Broduey: Things are changing between Camila and me, we're not strong as we were, you know we've too many things happen to us.

Maxi: Oh, now you're being ridiculous, Broduey, besides you haven't had much happen to you then like Leon and Violetta, when new guys come to the studio, they are not interested in Camila they are interested in the one thing that Leon has.

Broduey: What's that supposed to mean?

Federico: He means Violetta has been through more things than you and Camila, as you two just have petty arguments, but Violetta always has a guy hitting on her when she's with Leon, and Diego betrayed her where nothing like that happened to you two.

Broduey: Well, nor has Ludmila or Naty, in fact, they are always doing awful things to us, and you lot love them.

Maxi: Broduey, we aren't saying anything mean, we are just...

Broduey: I know what you're saying that I and Camila haven't suffered as much as Leon and Violetta, well you know we have all suffered in different ways like you know when Camila went out with that guy from rock bones.

Andres: You mean Seba?

Broduey: Yeah, him Andres, and the whole thing with DJ.

Maxi: Ah, now you can't blame her for that one where she was angry at us for lying to her, so she did that for your own good.

Broduey: Whose side are you on, Maxi!!!

Maxi: I'm not on anyone's side, Broduey!!!

Federico: Guys, calm down.

Maxi: Andres, what are you writing?

Andres: Oh, new things to talk about in my blog?

Maxi: *Confused* Blog? What Blog?

Broduey: No, don't tell him he might judge you for it.

Maxi: Broduey, for god sake I'm not judging you.

Andres: It's called Doctor of love; I have a blog where I can give young couples advice on what I've seen my friend's relationships have gone through.

Federico: Wait, did you just write about your friend's relationship? No way.

Maxi: No, way, Andres you are not talking about Naty's and my relationship on your blog.

Broduey: Nor mine.

They got up and left, leaving Andres on his own.  


Thank you for reading. 

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