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Jungkook pov
"Get off me" I pushed IU to the ground

She squealed "What the hell kook?"

"Don't call me that and get out" I pointed to the door

"No I'm not going anaywhere"

I decided to ring my guards and they took her out. I can't believe Y/n didn't feel jealous.

She use to hate seeing me with other women. It was so cute to see her jealous.

I can't believe we've met each other again after soo long. Is this just a coincidence or is it faith?

I sat inside my office frustrated. All I could think about was him and that bitch siting together like a couple.

He moved on quite fast, why did i think he wouldn't have. I'm waisting so much time too, i have to go out with JImin later. I did my best to clear my mind and started working.

I called Jungkook to remind him about his meeting "Sir you have a meeting at 1"

He just hummed in response and cut the call. His probably busy with that bitch still "Heyy"

I looked up to see Yuna peaking through the door "It's lunchtime missy, come on"

"Ok I'm coming" I ordered some food for Jungkook before going down to lunch with Yuna

"So how is your first day?" She asked while we sat down to eat

"Grand I guess, I rather work somehwere interesting though" I played with my lettuce

"No don't go"

"Even if I wanted to I can't , I've a contract" I took a bite of my food "So who's this sir dating?"

"Hmm...... sir? dating? Naw his not that type, he rather live his life alone" I was surprised by what she has said

"Oh but I saw him with a chick before"

"Oh IU, did she come again. That girl has been crushing on sir for so long. She really doesn't take a hint. The girls really rich. Her father is a well known producer. She is like the mean stuck up rich girl from the movies . I feel bad for sir, his to deal with her?"

"What do you mean simpathy. That'll be the last thing I would say about him?"

"Y/n-ah I know his cold , really cold but there must be a reason. You know I don't like Judging poeple right away. How do you think I met my fiance" She smiled as she said that "He was a "Badboy" "Jerk" type of guy . But now look at him, such a baby"

"Hey talking about your fiance, how is he?" I asked

"Omg his such a sweetheart, literally nothing like the guy he was before. Remeber when he use to call me stupid names. It's so funny to see him feel guilty whenever I mention it now" We laughed

Time skip

The day finally ended, I sent Jungkook my last few files before exiting the building. Work was honeslty not bad, the only thing was his face that kept bothering me.

I then got a call fron Jimin


Jimin: Bitch where the hell are you?

Me: Emm at work

Jimin: Since when do you go to work?

Me: Since today and you'll never know who my boss is

Jimin: Who?

Me: I'll tell you later on, I'm on the way home

Jimin: huh ok , see ya

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