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"Hmm baby"

"Can we go out together?" He asked

"Hmm you might need to ask Appa first"

Jinho then ran out the door "Appa!!, Can I go to the park with Mommy!!"

I followed him down "what did you say?"

This time Jungkook was actually wearing something while on his computer in the living room.

"I said can I go to the park with Mommy" Jungkook was about to say something but Jinho added "She gave me permission"

Jungkook looked at me and I nodded "ok then, you can go but take Sam and Mike with you"

"Ok, thanks Appa" he kissed Jungkooks cheek

"Anything to make my baby happy"

The park
They aloud me to change at my house before going out to the park.

"Mommy can we get ice cream" Jinho's asked

"Sure baby, lets go" we went to the nearby ice cream shop "what flavor?"


I got us our ice creams and we then went to the park to eat them. Even though he was just 5 it was fun to hang out with him.

"So Jinho , when did you Appa adopt you?"

"When I was 4"

Oh so a year ago.... interesting



"What's your relationship with my Appa?" I choked on my ice cream at his sudden question "Mommy you ok?"

I nodded "why the sudden question?"

"Didn't you guys go to school together?" He looked up at me

"Your right" I sigh

"Then what happened?" He asked "why don't you talk anymore?"

I didn't know how to explain this but I wanted to clear his question. I didn't want to lie and confused him later on "we had a fight"

"What sort of fights?"

"A big one"


"..........I don't know" i sigh I couldn't tell him he cheated on me.

"Y/n?" Jimin spotted us around the corner and ran up from a group of his friends

"Hey Jimin" I waved


"Hey kid, good to see you again" Jimin ruffled his hair

"So with your friends huh?" I looked back at the group of people

"Yeah, I'm going on a little trip for the day. We were just waiting for the bus"

"Oh really that's cool, hope you have fun"

"So what are you doing here in the park, with the kid" He Pointed out

"Long story , I'll tell you later when your free"

"Oh really, ok then can't wait to hear. My bus will be here soon so I'm gonna have to leave. Bye kid" he patted Jinho's head

"Bye uncle" we waved him goodbye "Mommy, is that your boyfriend?"

"What no no no, his a close friend of mine" I clarified

"His really nice"

We finished having our ice creams and Walked around the park for a bit. We also had those bodyguards with us but they just stayed silent behind us.

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