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Renjun, Jeno, Haechan, Yangyang, Shotaro, Sungchan, Chenle, Jisung this is your classroom"

The 8 boys went inside no one was in.

"You guys are 2 hours early you can stay here till class starts"

The 8 boys rolled their eyes in sync 

"ok ill go now"

before he even left 7 of them left and went to hang out with their other hyungs, Jeno stayed

"Thank you for listening oh and no phones aloud"

Jeno then took out his phone in front of the principal and started to play his games 

"ok- ill go"

 5 Minutes had passed when Jeno realized he didn't put on the dam AC The boy's hair now wet from sweat and shirt causing it to stick to his body highlighting his abs he took off his tie and put on the AC 

"Finally" he muttered under his breath

he sat down in the chair his legs apart he was facing the floor playing games 

He heard the door open he taught it was one of his members 

But It was the One and only Na Jaemin, Jaemin wore a baby blue sweater and blue jeans the boy carried a laptop in his hands with Starbucks 

He walked into the classroom almost dropping his drink he saw Jeno omg-

His face had a visible pink tint to it he tried to hide it 

He went and sat next to him and began to open his laptop

"Yah!, cant you sit somewhere else!" said the older

Jaemin flinched from his yelling 

"Hm look there," said the younger, Jeno leaned over to look at when Jaemin was pointing it was written on the dest "NA JAEMIN" 

Jeno scoffs, and continue playing the game

Then Jaemin started what he was the best at "Hacking" 

With swifth graceful light typing, he was able to get into the school website  

Jeno looked over from all the typing before he could open his mouth to say anything

he sat back and watched the boy

Jaemin typed on the website "School is closed to an Important reason! NO SCHOOL TODAY!.

he quickly closed the tab and did what he had to do 

Jeno watched him 

Jaemin did all of it with his angelic smile with the sun from the windows on him he looked like an angel

after he looked at Jeno " Hi im Na Jaemin, and I can hack into anything I want" and gave him a heartfelt smile

Jeno didn't say anything he taught about it? should I tell him? he probably knows? 

"The name Is Jeno Lee, and im The mafia leader of NCT," the older said with a smirk 

"Nice to meet you, Nono," Jaemin said with a smile, Jeno almost melted at the nickname Then he taught

"You too Nana," said Jeno, Jaemin smiled at the nickname

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