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Okay so I have my own OC's I'm adding to this story! None of them will be in 1-A so there isn't going to be an interference there.
Any who onto the OC's

Nezo Hemoru
Quirk: Mood
Definition: She is kind of like a feeling obsorber she can take anyone's feeling's and turn them into direct strength, sooo kind of the female hulk minus the green, largeness, and SMASH!
Limitations: She can only use it for around 45 minutes or she becomes moody and has high chances of having seizures!
Personality: Happy, bubbly, shipper, and always jumpy. She's easy to scare!

Antari Shinozu
Quirk: Nerve Control
Definition: As long as he has direct sight of a target he can control their nerves forcing them to do what he wants!
Limitations: Sight and he can also end up killing or paralyzing the target if he controls them to long, same goes for himself.
Personality: Moody, protective, and kinda dull as far as expressing himself goes.

Rim Horizoshi
Quirk: Metal Manipulation
Definition: He can manipulate all and any metal withing his sight.
Limitations: Visability
Personality: He is monotone and has trouble expressin his emotions

I own none of the art I got it all off of google! So whoever the original artists are credit goes to them!

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