Chapter 29

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??? POV:

Tapping my foot impatiently I keep on looking around, checking my surroundings against that of the map in my hands. Yet again, I'm lost, everything looks the same here, no distinguishable trees or landmarks. I gaze up into the sky as the light quickly fades from the cloudy skies. 

"Stupid map!" I yell in frustration, as I stuff the useless paper into my pocket.

Picking a direction I head off, I was hoping for clear skies all day but I the weather had a different plan. It's nearly been three years since rain like this ever touched the ground. Thankfully, I didn't get too drenched and the map is still legible. Sighing, I travel along the muddy path; boots plastered in mud and trousers almost changing colour. After countless steps of squelching I stop to gather my bearings. There's still plenty of trees that are now surrounded by mounds and steep hills. My pointy ears twitch as I hear rustling from ahead. Without hesitation I duck behind some bushes, slightly peeking through but not so much that my blonde hair is visible. From the distance I hear the muttering get closer, sounds like they're upset, angry, bored? I can't tell.

"... bloody fever... bloody rain... bloody demon... fuck!" their tone is angry which only makes me more curious. The person finally comes into view; my forest green eyes go wide in shock as I see a recognisable blonde hair pick up some logs with a gloomy look on his face. Without second thought I pounce up from the bush, startling him out of thought.

"Grayson!" I yell in excitement, making him drop the logs again.

"Mi-Mia?!" His response has confusion clear in his voice.

I move out of the bush and head towards him, "Holly Notch, haven't seen you in years! Where in the world have you been? Nice glasses by the way!"

He simply stares at me in shock, "I- thanks- what- You're actually here?! It's amazing to see you again! Oh boy, it's a very long story." he says, surprise written in every word.

"Well I've got time, hell; I was going to head down South to Drake's place in hope of seeing you guys. That being said, is Drake with you?" I ask, multiple questions running through my mind as I restrain myself from bouncing up and down in excitement. 

At the mention on his name, Grayson looks away, "Well, yes but... as I said it's a long story, I'll let you know what's happening on the way back." he claims. That's worrying.

Picking up the logs, we walk back, he fills me in the things that have been happening over the past couple of days. It shocks me how they've missed so much yet experienced a lot in such little time. As he talks questions filter in and lay in silence as more come in. I want to question Armen about everything but I don't want to push him too far, same thing with Grayson, so many questions yet his distant and different manner pushes those away, I offer my condolences as he finishes the story. Silence is held for a while until I tell him about my story, it's not as extreme and I couldn't tell him much but I did mention about the outbursts of magic, appearing and disappearing buildings and sudden toxicities of areas.  

"That's probably most of the important things- oh wait! I can't believe I nearly forgot about this! A couple of months ago I overheard a couple of people gawking about this new invention the empire's made. I don't remember what it was called but it uses gunpowder and is apparently really deadly and it's able to fit in your pockets somehow... oh! It's called a gun! So put that on the list of what to look out for." he stops, staring at me in shock.

"Wait- GUNS?!" Grayson exclaims loudly.

"Hmm, yeah, How do you know about it?" I ask.

"Remember back in the catacombs? We might've told you about it but we're from the past wich is more advance than now... they used to have guns... and they create a big power shift in battles... I'm shocked they're already this far considering they've only recently made cannons..."

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