Chapter 3: Favorite hour

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Antfrost pov:

I sit alone listening to the clock on the wall, even though I should be listening to the teacher. Let's be honest, does anyone really? As I sit here waiting and waiting as the clock ticks by, seconds turning into minutes, minutes into hours. As time passes my mind trails, only a couple of hours ago I was sleeping on velvets bed. Was he sleeping on the bed with me and I didn't know? Or am I just over thinking? I have must of been sleeping for long if he had time to bake muffins. Does he think I'm lazy because I slept in? What if he does? Nah he won't think much of it. Right? Yeah most likely. It's not like he thinks of me. Why do I have to overthink everything!? When would the next time I would get to see him be? If he has math right now when I have social, that means the next time I would get to see him is lunch. Which it coming up soon. Shortly. Any minute. My eyes are glued on the clock, watching every painful second go by. WHY DOES TIME GO SLOWER WHEN YOU NEED IT TO GO FASTER!? No? Is it just me. Damn. I'm asking like I'm Dora or something. What came first the chicken or the eg-

 my thoughts got cut of by a unnecessarily load bell indicating that it's lunch.

 I did it! Pog! I got up and bolted out of the classroom, down the Halls and into the cafeteria to see a familiar group. "Hey Antfrost!" I hear Bad yell from the table a couple of feet away from me. He is one of the nicest people you would ever meet, but he sure doesn't dress like it, he was wearing a black hoodie with red trims along the sleeves, and black nail polish, oddly cute circular glasses. Sitting with him was a boy with a baby blue sweater that looked to big for him and his fingerless glove matched his dark Raven hair, alongside a boy with two shirts on. A black silk, skin tight under shirt. With a white shirt almost looking like a tank top over the under shirt. On the other hand a brunette boy with a casual blue top with a white dress shirt underneath it, mixing with his black and white clout shades. A dirty blonde boy with a light lime hoodie that matched his baby green eyes, topped with a black choker and freckles scattered across his face. Was the table Bad wanted me to sit at.

 "It's been awhile since we last talked together" Dream said finally after he stopped flirting with the small brunette boy. "Yeah next time bring that stupid blonde with you" Sapnap said nagging at punz who wasn't here to defend himself against Sapnap. "Shut up Sapnap! Punz is literally your twin!" George said

 "I'm sorry guys but I promised some other people I would sit with them today, maybe next time though?" I said hoping not to hurt their feelings.

 "oh okay. who ya gonna go see tho?" Bad said after he stopped talking to Skeppy, "ooOOoo I bet he is gonna see the red head he always talks about!" Dream said smirking, as I feel the blush creep onto my face. " yeah I hear a bunch of this guy 'friend' you always hang around." Skeppy joined in.

 "I do not talk about him that much." was all I could say in my defence, as the others boys just sat there looking at me in disbelief. "I- do..what?" I can feel my heart start to race as they continue to mock and tease me.

"hey look, look. we get it." george said, "wait really?" I say out loud. "nah sorry I can't understand a simp." Dream said smugly and then laughed at me

"Yeahh like you wouldn't understand a simp. Dream you are the living gogy simp" Sapnap said directing the attention at him. "I CAN VOUCH" George said literally shouting at the top of his lungs, then Skeppy joined in. "No I think bad is sus, he has been following me everywhere." he said squinting at bad. "oh my goodness.." was all that bad said " there is one simposter among us!" Sapnap yelled as the rest of them started arguing over who is the most 'sus', but honestly I just think they like shouting. At that table it is whoever shouts the loudest is in charge or some shit.

As I make my way towards my destination, I over hear velvet talking about something, not just anything. But he was talking about me!

 As anyone would I snooped... come'on! on my defence curiosity killed the cat y'know.

As I slowly walked towards the table trying not to be seen, but also wanting to be close enough to hear him talk to everyone at the table. I hear velvet saying he was into 'him'. who is this 'him'?

"look guys, its not like that." velvet starts, "oh come on red! you think we would believe that?" Gumi poked at velvet. "yeah you're alway making gogo eyes at him! just fuss up already!" Punz said, holding his head. Most likely from the hangover still affecting him. "

Who are they talking about? Does red actually like this person? Do I even stand a chance?

"JUSTTELLUSYOULIKEHIM" boomer blurted  out, which kinda sounded like he was holding that in for awhile. "we are just friends. and that's that." velvet responded with his hands now placed on his face. "yeah like how you guys are always flirting together." Sam said arriving at the table. "I mean 5up and fundy are always flirting with one another, and no one would like to comment on that!" the redhead said sound more on the irritated side now. "Hey me and fundy are dating btw." 5up said not looking up from his phone. "oh really? I did not know that..well um.." 

velvet clearly dying at the moment, was what made me come out of hiding and FINALLY eat my lunch

"Hey guys!" I say with a upbeat tune walking towards the group. that just froze and looked at me then at red, then back me. "why is everyone frozen? hello?"

"heyyyyy Ant" Punz said trying to seem innocent. 

"hey punz, oh yeah I stopped around Dreams table and Sapnap called you a dumb blonde" I said with the intention to push his buttons.

 "that son of a bitch! he is the stupid one not me!" Ponk just woke up from what looked like a semi good nap, then said to punz "shut up i'm trying to sleep! you and Sapnap are like twins, you both got the stupid geez!" Punz was about to  say something to ponk, but then Boomer jumped in and said "oh please! does the little baby ponk need his bottle?"

"Yes! and the baby would like some peace and quiet!" Ponk sarcastically barked back at Boomer. "MOOD!" Gumi yelled at the group. "PLEASE I JUST WANT SLEEP" Ponk whined leaning on Sam "well maybe you shouldn't have gone to that party last night." Sam scolded Ponk then started glaring at punz. 

"hey ant can I-" velvet started but then was cut off by the bell.

"nevermind i'll just tell you in a text later or something kay?" He started again "um okay..see you later.?"  I start walking off to my next class to turn around and check up on red, and take a minute to think.

Who was that guy they were talking about? why did the others seem to know? damn. I barely got to eat my food. what a shitty lunch. but it is favorite hour. or was, so i'll give it that.


Hello to the only person that comments on this book! I really appreciate it thanks!

just to let everyone know these chapters would be more harder to make because I have exams coming up so these next few chapters might come out later than decent. 


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