Chapter 2

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Three. Merissa couldn't believe it. She was lucky and unlucky, all at once. Three little babies in her womb, their arrival date would be in four moons. The doctor estimated that she was already a month pregnant which was a little shocking to Merissa. She didn't even realise that she was late. As the doctor talked about what was ahead of them, Merissa looked down at the app on her phone. Rolling her eyes, she tucked the phone back into her bag. The app was working fine, telling her that she hadn't logged anything and that she should get a pregnancy test or update the details.

Returning to the conversation, Merissa listened to the doctor telling Adley that she was accustomed to werewolves but not vampires. She advised that it wouldn't be an issue but agreed to consult a vampire doctor to ensure Merissa felt at ease. Merissa wondered if the doctor understood that three babies was not a relaxing situation and nothing would put her at ease. Their lives were about to be turned upside down.

It was late in the afternoon when they emerged from the doctor's office.

"You know what? I think we need a little friends time. How about we see what Lennon and Lyla are up to?"

"Sure," Ris murmured.

"It's going to be okay, you know that, right?"

Merissa looked up at Adley. He was so assured that everything would be fine but Merissa could only see the negatives.

She knew what it was like to be a part of a family, in the end. The first few months of being in Fielding Hall were a little difficult. Once she was adopted by Gamichee and Marguerite, things were better.

Adley stopped, taking both of her hands.

"I can see that fear. I know what you're thinking and I understand why you can't let it go. You believe it's natural for a werewolf to be,"


"Yeah. The thing is, that kind of drops lower when we take a mate. More so when they become pregnant. Haven't you noticed?"

She shrugged, pretending the cars on the street were more interesting. Facing reality has never been her thing. Hiding from life, living in a fantasy, that was Merissa's ideal pastime.

"It's okay," Adley said, pulling Merissa in for a hug. "You'll figure it out eventually. In the meantime, we've got some friends to annoy."

Merissa couldn't help but smile. Annoy was probably not the right word to use, at least not at the moment. Perhaps in a few months, maybe in a year. Once Lyla had begun to move on from the death of her daughter, things would improve. Merissa and Adley both knew that she would never fully move on but as the days passed, life would get easier for her.

They both liked Lyla. Their beginning had been rough but in the end, Lyla proved to be a good friend. They wanted her to feel better. Mourning was never easy, more so when a parent grieves for a lost child. Neither of them knew the words to say or how to offer their help. Instead, they decided on little moments like these where they would visit and distract Lyla for a little while.

Merissa and Adley walked down the street together, hand in hand. The mood was all over the place. Happy because of the news, uneasy because of where they were going.

When they turned the corner, the couple were struck with the strangest of scenes. Lennon and Lyla were at the front door with a basket, Lyla was crying again. That was normal since the funeral. There hadn't been many days where they saw anything else.

Curiously, a woman was delivering baby furniture. Both Merissa and Adley frowned.

Lennon was trying to comfort Lyla who was kneeling in front of a basket with a blue blanket in it. From where they stood, the couple saw the blanket move.

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