Aftermath, discussions, distractions and dreams that come true when I awake.

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Aftermath, discussions, distractions and dreams that come true when I awake.

Elena's POV: (Opening thoughts)

WOW! I feel enlightened before I even open my eyes. Last night was the best night of my life.

*Elena Cullen in Breaking dawn part 1*

I open my eyes and look around. I am still really happy. I turn my head but I stop moving. Why is there white fluff pieces in my hair.

I pick it out and see that it's feathers from a pillow. I sit up and see the whole bed is covered in feathers and the bed base is broken.

What the hell?

I pat the bed and send feathers flying everywhere.

I head to the bathroom and stand in front of the mirror. I have my head down for a second before shaking it and looking up at my reflection.

I remember being on the bed with him, stroking his hair and him holding my waist. Kissing. I touch one side of my neck and then gently move my hand across my collar bone to the other side. Then I move my hand up to the back of my neck while closing my eyes. I remember stroking his head as he lays on top of me and I gaze off into space lost in the moment.

I move my hand to my lips and squeeze them gently. I remember the kisses being different as he tries not to restrain himself as much. Our noses touching. I move my hand to my nose.

My happy thoughts are interrupted by a voice. "How badly are you hurt?"

I bring my eyes back up to the mirror to see my husband stood behind me. Hurt?

"What?" I ask him in confusion.

His face is distraught as he lifts the sleeve of my dressing gown. I see what looks like dirt marks on my arms but I can worry about them later. I cover my arm back up and turn to wrap myself in his arms. I place my hands on my chest.

"No, Elena, look," he tells me and lowers the back of my dressing gown. I see more marks but this time I notice what they look like. Fingerprint bruises. He had done this which is why he is so distraught. I must have really been in the moment not to notice. "Elena I can't tell you how sorry I am."

He is clearly pissed off with himself. He walks away as I look at my black and blue shoulder.

I place my gown back over my shoulder and follow him into the bedroom.

"I'm not," I say as I storm after him and I hear him scoff. "Really I'm not. I'm fine."

"Don't say your fine," he tells me as we stop in front of the mangled bed and he sits down on it. "Just don't."

Why is he trying to ruin the perfect day.

"No you don't," I tell him a little angry at his attitude. "Don't ruin this."

"I've already ruined it," he informs me.

I look down at the floor before back up at him as I shake my head. "Why can't you see how perfectly happy I am? Or was five seconds ago. I mean now I'm sort of pissed off actually."

He acts like this is good.

"You should be angry with me," he tells me.

I swallow.

"I mean we knew this would be tricky right?" I point out to him as we always knew there were lots of variables and unknowns when it came to human/vampire relationships. "I think we did amazing. I mean it was amazing for me."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2021 ⏰

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