Chapter 19.

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We went on the jet and find our seats. Evangeline sat beside me.

Or well, I sat besides her.

She was shaking and I could feel that she was very nervous.

"Hey, It's going to be okay. You can squeeze my hand if it will be scary." I said to her, trying to make her calm.

"Thanks." She said breathlessly.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please be in your seats. We will take off in 1 minute." Marc, my pilot said in the speaker.

"Here we go," I said as the big motors started to sound.

We began to drift off the ground in a short minute, and Evangeline took my hand and squeezed it. She had closed her eyes hard and breathed extremely fast thru her mouth.

"Evangeline, We're in the sky now, look out thru the window!" I said, to her. She opened her eyes carefully and looked out.

"Wow! It's so beautiful." She said as she looked out.

Yeah... you're very beautiful.

It would take a few hours to fly to Italy, so I told Evangeline that she could take a nap. And so did I.

We landed in Italy a few hours ago. And now we're on our way to my mother's and my brother's house. They live pretty far from all the people, so it would take a little while to get there.


We have landed in Italy. And let me tell you, I thought I was gonna die at first when we began to take off. It was horrible at first. But then it was amazing!

Now we're sitting in a car. A few minutes away from Xander's family's house...

And I am nervous...

"soo...what's your mother's name?" I asked Xander. Who's looking on the road as he's the one driving the car. We're the only ones in the car.

"Her name is Alexandra. But everyone calls her Xandra." He said and looked back at me with a warm smile.

"But you have a brother too? Yes?" I said. Trying to start a little conversation.

"Yes. His name is Xavier."

"Hmm...I guess your mother likes names with X's?" I said and smiled at the thought that they all had names with X in them.

"How about your dad?" I said and looked on the road too. I could sense that Xander did not like the idea of his father. His knuckles turned white on the steering wheel for holding it so hard.

"You don't need to answer that," I said.

Shit. That's his breaking point...

"It's...It's okay." He said. Breathing out a big breath.

"No, it isn't! I made you uncomfortable..." I said. How could he even think that's okay!? I mean I have no family. No parents. No siblings...Nothing...and I mean only because I don't remember my parents it doesn't mean that I like to talk about it...

We came upon a big house. It was almost as big as the mansion in the states. But this one looked...more like home. It had beautiful curtains, hanging beside the windows. And big windows. Making the sun shining through.

"Okay, we're here. Just so you mother she-" he cut himself off. "She can be a little too much sometimes. And my ass of a little brother,he is a big flirt. So he will flirt with you back and forth. I've told him to stop, but-" but this time I cut him off.

"Xander it's okay. And thank you for taking me here. means a lot that you trust me with your family..." I said and looked him in the eyes, and gave him a reinsurance smile.

We got out of the car when we heard the big door open. The other guys hugged someone. And it was a woman. Probably Xandra.

"I miei Ragazzi. Benvenuto!" An angelic voice said as she cupped all of the guy's cheeks when she had hugged them.
(My boys. Welcome!)

Now she turned to me, and Xander. Her big green eyes lit up. Her dark wavy hair laid perfect on her head, and her gorgeous red lips looked so smooth.

Wow...Now I know where Xander got his genes from...

"Figlio mio, chi sono queste belle donne?" She said and hugged Xander. She looked at me with a big warm smile.
(My son, Who's this beautiful women?)

I like her.

"Mother, This is Evangeline." Xander said and broke the hug, and gestured his hand towards me. I smiled as I looked at Xandra. She smiled back and got me into a tight hug.

"Grazie Dio, per aver portato mio figlio, questo angelo. La sua regina." She said and took my arms in her hands. Smiling at me.
(Thank you, god, for bringing my son this Angel. His Queen)

"Hi. I am Evangeline. It's nice to meet you!" I said as I giggled at her actions, in this short time.

"Ohh, sorry for my behavior love! I am Xandra. Xander's and Xavier's mother!" She said happily, and proud.

She loves her kids...that makes my heart warm.

"Aren't you gonna introduce your brother to your girlfriend?" An unfamiliar voice said behind Xandra.

"Hey, ass head. Nice to see you again!" Xander said as he embraced Xavier, I guess in a brotherly hug. Xavier smirked at me and winked, wow both her sons are hot...

He had the same green eyes as Xandra. The same nose as Xander, and same lips. But he had some other facial features. I guess it's from their father.

Before I know it Xavier is standing in front of me. His hand was in the air for me to shake.

"Hey, I am Xavier. This dickheads little bro." He said with a playful smirk. He was wearing a white t-shirt, brown jeans and black shoes. How can he even wear that in this weather!? It's extremely hot.

"Hi. I am Evangeline. Xander's-" I got cut off of Xander as he said.



My cheeks were bright red at his comment. Making my knees wobbly. Did he just say that!? And in front of the other guys!? Oh fuck, the talk I am going to have with him later will not be funny!

Maybe I should cut his balls of...? Or maybe cut one-off, then stick it down his throat. Yeah, much better.

"Yeah...Girlfriend." I said as I looked over Xavier's shoulder and looked Xander dead in the eyes. He just stood there, in his black ripped jeans. A black t-shirt and his fucking perfectly curled, deep brown hair. A little messy, only making him look hotter than he already is.

"Well, shall we go to the backyard? It's so hot outside here!" Xandra broke the silence.

We all went inside and were told by Xandra that we all should go and unpack our things in our rooms, to settle in and take a nap from the flight.

Oh, and guess what the dickhead, Xander said to his mother...! He told her that we could share a room...SHARE BED, BATHROOM EVERYTHING!!

The talk I'm going to give him soon... oh wow.

We went upstairs. Alex, Andre, Giovanni, and Leo got their rooms. And I and Xander went to ours. When he opened the door I was meet by the most gorgeous room I've ever seen!

It was a big crystal lamp, hanging from the roof. Lighting up the big room. Cream colors on the bed, white walls and big pictures of Italy. Big windows, and white curtains hanging beside them. And air conditioner making the room the right temperature.

Maybe it won't be so bad to share this room...


A long chapter guys!! I will start right away to write on the other ones!

what did you think of this chapter?

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