~Short Story~

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Murders upon murders. Some people don't believe in karma, but for this man, karma was around. We start off with the man, Annabel Lee's brother, who you may have heard of before. After a long 25 years, Annabel Lee was free from her family she could do as she pleased. So she did, she found a man, fell in love, and they quickly got married. Her family didn't approve of it, not her husband, but her happiness. They let her go so she could live on her own in this cruel cold world, not find happiness and peace. They were furious, they wanted to ruin her life, and that meant doing anything needed. And so the family sent their eldest son to retrieve her and bring her back at once.

"You shall retrieve Annabel Lee and bring her back," said their father, a clear frown shown on his face.

"Yes father," said the eldest son.

"That girl thinks she can do as she wants, this life is not fun and games. I will personally send her to the Plutonian Shore," said their mother, walking about and talking with her hands.
The son, who we'll call Timothy because the names are a secret for some odd reason, sets off to Annabel Lee's house. When he arrives an hour later he knocks on the door quite aggressively.

"Just a moment please!" yelled Annabel Lee from inside.

Inside the house she was rambling to herself, while pulling on her robe.

"Who comes at this hour of the night! What is so important it couldn't wait till day!" She continued talking to herself until she reached the door. She paused for a moment, fixed her hair and put a big welcoming smile on as she opened the door. Her expression dropped.

"You... what are you doing here?" she said, pointing at her brother with a shaky hand.

"Surprise!" said Timothy, smiling a big toothy smile.

Annabel Lee took a step back, hand still on the door, and tried to shut it with all her strength, but her brother was much stronger than she. He simply used one hand to push it back open, and started his act.

"Are you afraid of me? I hope not, that'd be awful if my own baby sister was afraid of me," he said.

"Go away," she whispered.

He acted as if he hadn't heard her and just put his hand to his ear so she could repeat what she said.

"I said go away!" she said, much louder this time.

"Am I not welcomed here?" Timothy asked, a mischievous grin on his face.

As Annabel was about to speak Timothy grabbed his handkerchief and covered her mouth with it, tying it in a knot and then blind folded her. He carried her to the back of his wagon and dropped her in as she was squirming about. As he was about to leave he was stopped by a loud voice coming from the house.

"Stop! Don't move an inch!" the voice said.

It was of course Annabel Lee's husband, a bat in his hand. But his holler didn't stop Timothy from escaping.

"Onward!" yelled Timothy to his horse.

Of course Annabel Lee's husband wasn't going to just let him go so he ran after them. He chased after the wagon, but they were much faster than him. He was running out of energy very fast and he just couldn't keep up with them anymore.

"Please! Stop! Don't take her away from me, she's all I've got!" he shouted and bended down a little gasping for air.

Timothy didn't care, he just looked back at the poor man and smirked at him.

Later, when they arrived back at the house Timothy picked her up like a sack of potatoes, and threw her onto the floor of what was her old room. He then took the blind fold and the handkerchief off of her. Annabel Lee then sat up against the bed and Timothy came closer to her. He was going to pat her shoulder and tell her this was for the best, but she slapped him across the face, hard. He had it coming though, he just kidnapped her and made her lose her only source of happiness. Annabel Lee cupped her mouth as soon as she realized what she did and he put his hand to his left cheek where he'd been struck. She certainly didn't want to be here out of her own will, but she didn't want to make her stay here even worse, yet she just did.

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