Sandy reaches in her bag and pulls out a big 67 ft dildo and sticks it in one of SpongeBob's holes. He bleeds out on the ground and sandy uses it as lube with Patrick, Patrick puts it on his pink fleshy peen and inserts it into sandy flappy wappy pussy, sandy moans in a Texas accent "damn Patrick my coouter is almost as wet as bbq" sauce. Spongebob soon rives from the ground while jerking himself and sticks his dicc in Patrick as self-defence. Sandy spanks SpongeBob's cheeks causing him to tumble, Patrick continues to pound sandy as she falls to the ground shaking after they both bust so hard it hits SpongeBobs eye and he goes blind. sandy continues to squirt, she holds her drupey velvety pussy flaps together to keep the cum in her juicy entrance. The whole room smells like toe jam and rotten fish. Patrick begins to investigate he first checks SpongeBob's rectum but there was no fish smell, only peptmo bismo. He begins to stick his head up Sandys mouldy Virginia flaps and almost passes out due to the smell. His heart stops breathing while being stuck in her pussy, he died. Sandy begins to masturbate with his head and soon cums on his desisted head. spongebob began to pound her and soon died after bleeding out.