A visit in Winterfell

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Echo's long black hair splayed out on the bed as her body did. She heard the bells of the morning and rose from her bed. She went for a bath and washed up. After brushing out her waist length black hair. She got dressed. She put on black pants, black boots, a blue top that went down to her knees but split into several sections after her waist. She put a black corset over it and put on her black gloves. She left her hair in a tight bun at the top of her head while her hood hung unused over her back.

She grabbed her bow and quiver and put them on her body before heading out to the courtyard. Shadow had grown significantly over the course of the month and was still a beautiful black. She was the best trained and listened to everything that Echo asked. She understood her because of the bond they shared with her being a Warg.

She next went to the dining hall and saw that her family had already begun eating. She grabbed herself some food and ate outside with her horse and wolf.

Bran spotted the king down the road and everyone lined up for his arrival. Echo however did not. She refused to bow. She went up to the bell tower and watched the scene below with shadow by her side. She watched through the window and held her bow undrawn in one hand just in case.

At the feast Lady Stark forbade the bastards from going. They sat outside with their food and watched as their wolves played.
"What do you think father will have me do? You are gonna go to the wall, the boys are staying here, and the girls are going with father."
"I believe he may have you go with him. To protect Sansa and Arya. They'll be in a lions den."
"Jon, there's something you should know. About our mother."
"What? Did you have a vision of her?" She had told him and only him about what happened beyond the wall. He believed her with all of his being.
"Eddard Stark is not our father. However we are still related to the Starks. Mother, is Lyanna Stark. She became pregnant in a happy marriage with-"
"There's my favourites!"
"Nevermind Jon. It is not important that you know right now."
"Bu-" she stood and hugged her uncle. Jon asked if he could convince their father to let him go to the wall. He agreed and then turned to ask Echo who heir father was but she was gone. No where in sight.

Echo sat in her chambers and looked up at her ceiling.
"What have I done? He wasn't supposed to know yet." Sh looked at what she could in the future and saw that telling him may have been better. She went to his chambers and sat in his bed. He shifted to see her sitting there and she smiled softly at him.
"Jon, your name is not Jon Snow. As mine is not Echo Snow. You are Eagon Targaryen. Son of Rhegal Targaryen and his wife, Lyanna Stark. I am Echo Targaryen. We are the heirs to the iron throne."
"But I don't want the throne."
"Then we tell no one. You mustn't tell anyone until the time is right. I will tell you when that time arrives."
He nods to his sister.
"You will continue to live as Jon Snow and we will not speak of our heritage to anyone. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner Jon."
"I understand." They pressed their foreheads together and held each other's faces. Looking into each other's eyes. They had the strongest bond that twins could possibly have. They felt each other's fear, pain, and love.

"We will meet again Jon Snow."

She left his chambers and went to her own where she fell asleep with her wolf at her side. She drifted off in peace and dreamed of the past.

The morning bells rang and she ride from her bed. She got dressed quickly for they were going hunting today.

No metal on the hood or shoulders

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No metal on the hood or shoulders. The hood is bigger.

She admired her clothing and then grabbed her bow and quiver. She mounted her horse and went up to her father. Shadow was beside her.
"Who's this Ned? I didn't see her yesterday."
"I am Echo Snow. Twin sister to Jon Snow. You did not see me because I was in the bell tower, watching though the windows."
"Oh. Alright then."
"Echo." Jon's voice says from behind them.

After a few days out hunting they arrive back in Winterfell where a commotion stirs.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2021 ⏰

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