black girl

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Black girl
Look at her lips
The grease and locks in her hair
Her mothers discoloured eyes
The scars on her face
Who hurt her
Who does she think she is
Why is her hair not like ours
She has fake hair
Why is she so black
Viewed in the eyes of a caucasian
I was never accepted
Social anxiety
I learned at the age of 9
Why am I judged for the colour of my skin
Tell me why
The judgements I have to bear
Eyes of the oppressor
Glare at mine
May I touch your hair
Is it mine
Years go by
Age 13
Trying to fit in
Sacrificing my life
To be accepted by the people
Who will bypass me
Called my hair funky
Called it fake
Long bus rides home
Glares of the oppressor
Stare in my face
Mother said its unique
Said its beautiful
But I was under control
Years go by
Age 16
I started seeing people
Copy my skin
Fake tans were darker than my melanin
Hair extensions became popular now
I sit there and start to frown
Caucasian girls
Laying their baby edges
It's nothing new to me
I learnt how to do it at 5
Lip fillers became a trend
I sit and glare
Your lips are so big girl I wish they were like mine
But it wasn't accepted at 9
They call it cultural appreciation
But I don't appreciate
Your stealing
It's fine when a caucasian
Does it
But when a black girl does it isn't
Black girl
Even your own calls you ugly
I'd choose a light skin over
Our own women
Beauty standards are set so high
Were blindfolded
And dont see our beauty
I don't know why
We have everything that they couldn't
Black girl
Your DNA goes far
Deeper than the roots and scars
Let your afro loose
Your culture is worth
More than diamond rings
They will continue to steal
But could never outdue
The doers
Black girl
Your worth more than millions

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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