Chapter 15

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                                                                                        Frisk pov

In the morning when Frisk woke up she saw that Mettaton was awake and he was looking at her with a hungry look in his eyes.

 "What?" Frisk asked.

 "Nothing, I just love seeing you in nothing more than my shirt." Mettaton answered.

Frisk blushed, she hadn't given it any thought when she decided to put on the shirt before Mettaton opened the door yesterday.

 "I, I didn't th...think about it." Frisk said.

 "It's alright darling, by the way how are you feeling after what happened yesterday?" Mettaton asked.

 "I'm fine b....but why are th.....they both......bothering us?" Frisk asked.

 "I think they can't accept the fact that I'm taken." Mettaton answered.

 "Hopefully the.....they'll accept it so....soon." Frisk said.

Mettaton hummed in agreement then he pulled her closer to him, Frisk kissed Mettaton's neck before laying her head on his chest. As they cuddled Frisk noticed that her breast felt sore, Frisk took off Mettaton's shirt and looked at her breast, they looked a little bigger but other than that nothing looked wrong.

 "What are you doing?" Mettaton asked.

 "My bre...breast fe....felt sore so I, I wanted see what wa...was wrong." Frisk answered.

 "I'm surprised it didn't start sooner, you're almost at the end of your second week of being pregnant, you're breast are going to feel sore for a while and they're going to get bigger." Mettaton said.

 "Okay." Frisk replied.

 "I'm surprised from what it seems like both monster and human pregnancies are the same." Mettaton commented.

 "I wou....wouldn't know I, I do....don't remember i....if my classes t....taught what happens during ea...each month of being pregnant." Frisk said.

 "Then let me know how you feel, I'll tell you if it's normal for a monster to feel like that." Mettaton replied.

 "If not?" Frisk asked.

 "Then it's probably something that humans and monsters don't have in're soul will let us know in its own way if there is something wrong." Mettaton answered.

Frisk looked over at the tiny red heart, it was floating up and down like it was agreeing with Mettaton then it went back to the tiny yellow heart and they floated around each other.

 "What will w....we if some.....somethings wrong?" Frisk asked.

 "Usually it's the mother's magic that would help fix whatever is wrong but since you don't have magic I should be able to help." Mettaton answered.

 "How?" Frisk asked.

Frisk watched as Mettaton placed one of his hands over her abdomen, a couple of seconds later she got the strange feeling in her abdomen, it wasn't bothering her but it still felt strange, Mettaton removed his hand from her abdomen when the tiny red heart booped him on the nose.

 "What?" Frisk asked.

 "Just letting me know that I need to stop what I was doing, that there was nothing wrong." Mettaton answered.

 "C.....can we ha...have breakfast now?" Frisk asked.

Frisk blushed when Mettaton chuckled but she was grateful when he didn't say anything about the request, after about twenty minutes breakfast was done and like the last couple of days Mettaton made more food than the both of them could eat. Though since her appetite has grown over the past few days, she was grateful that Mettaton made more food. When she finished eating she blushed since she had finished eating before Mettaton, and she had more food on her plate. 

 "Sorry." Frisk apologized.

 "Don't apologize beautiful, I'm glad you're eating as much as you are now because I'm going to be lucky to get you to keep anything down in a few weeks." Mettaton said.

 "Wha....what do you me...mean?" Frisk asked.

 "We call it morning sickness." Mettaton answered.

 "Humans ha...have's of the few sy....symptoms I, I kn...know of." Frisk said.

 "Then you know what's going to happen?" Mettaton asked.

Frisk nodded her head, she also knew it was going to last a while but there was a possibility that she could start feeling nauseous next week or the week after.

 "Would you like to go to Snowdin, see what Papyrus and Undyne are doing?" Mettaton asked.

 "Maybe la...later." Frisk answered.

 "Any particular reason why you don't want to go now?" Mettaton asked.

Frisk blushed and glanced over at the bed before looking back at Mettaton, she was too embarrassed to actually tell Mettaton she wanted sex, Frisk was afraid that he would laugh at the fact she wanted to have sex more often.

 "Oh, well it seems like we're going to be busy for a little while." Mettaton said.

Frisk let out a small yelp of surprise when Mettaton picked her up and carried her over to the bed, she thought Mettaton would lay her on her back, instead Mettaton sat down on the edge of the bed which made her wrap her legs around his waist.

 "Now let's see if we actually leave the house today." Mettaton said.

 "We are....aren't going l...lay down?" Frisk asked.

 "Do you want to lay down?" Mettaton asked.

 "No I, I want try this." Frisk answered.

Mettaton began to kiss Frisk, Frisk moaned and wrapped her arms around Mettaton's neck when the kiss ended Mettaton lifted her up and began to tease her entrance with his fingers before slipping them in.

 "You're already so wet for me." Mettaton whispered.

Frisk could only nod her head in agreement, she whimpered when Mettaton removed his fingers but gasped when she felt something bigger and harder enter her.

 "Did I surprise you?" Mettaton asked.

 "Yeah." Frisk answered.

After a couple of seconds, Frisk began to ride Mettaton and with each thrust she made Mettaton would met her half-way each time would make her gasp. After a few minutes Frisk started to move her hips faster until she finally climaxed and not long after her, Mettaton came as well.

 "Do you want to go another round?" Mettaton asked.

Frisk knew she could go at least a couple more rounds but she didn't know if Mettaton would be okay with that, so Frisk remained silent but she didn't get off of Mettaton.

 "What's wrong, you can tell me if something is upsetting you?" Mettaton asked.

 "I co.....could go a, a couple of mor....more rounds but I do....don't know if, if you'll okay with it." Frisk answered.

Frisk blushed as she felt Mettaton's cock twitch inside her. 

 "I'm okay with looks like we'll just have to see our friends tomorrow." Mettaton said.

Frisk nodded her head and they began their second round, Frisk was extremely happy when Mettaton said they wouldn't be leaving the house that day because by the time night fell, she was too tired to move.

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