Chapter 20.

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When I told my brother and my mother that Evangeline was my girlfriend my mother's face lit up. And my brother...well he knows that I am lying. We two are the closest siblings you can ever see.

Evangeline didn't look very happy...but that doesn't matter now. She will be mine. And soon.

"Wow." She said as we walked inside the big room that is for us. I couldn't deny it, it's a really gorgeous room. And that king-sized bed. The things I would want to do in that. With her.

Ripping her clothes off, her panties. Smacking that plump ass of hers, and feel her tight pussy clench on my di- but I got cut off when a little hand came on my chest. Pushing me.

Oh, she's mad.

So cute.

"Why did you say that!!" She said, looking at me angrily.

"What do you mean?" I said. Playing dumb. Teasing her. I put on my smirk. Just to make her madder. And it worked.

"You said that I am your girlfriend! And now we need to pretend that!" She said, now angrier, that I played stupid.

"Well, you do like when I kiss you, yes?" I said. My thick Italian accent now showing more. I took more steps forward. More towards her. She started to get nervous, at how close we soon are to be.

"W-Well...y-yes." She said now going backward, still trying to have distance between us.


He started to walk towards me. Having a big, hot smile on his plump lips. I walked backward. Knowing that if I would be close to him, I wouldn't be able to control myself.

I walked as far as I could. Until my back hit the wall. He now only stood one inch from my face. His hand touching my waist. Slowly his hand made its way up, from my waist, my side,the side of my breast. My breath hitched as his touch was so intimate. My nipples being hard in an instant.

You could see it through my shirt. Making him smirk even more. His brown, eyes boring in to mine, brown almost green eyes. His hand made its way up to my ear. He took a strand of my dark brown hair, tucking it behind my ear. Letting his hand rest there. My breath began to pick up its pace. His touch making my whole body warm. Goosebumps making it's way up my arms.

"Le cose che voglio fare con te,Gattina." He said in a husky voice. His mouth now touching my ear. Making my eyes shut close.
(The things I want to do with you, Kitten."

Please god, help me.

"I wonder how you would feel against my body..." he said, his tongue touching my ear, winning a whimper from my lips.

Oh god

"Our skins touching..."

It's a pool between my legs

"Your body whimpering after me..."


"My fingers in you...making you feel pure bliss."

Ohhh ffuuuckk!

At his dirty talking, my thighs clench together. I thought he didn't notice. But I could feel him smirking at me, on my against my ear.

"Am I making you wet,gattina?" He said, in a more deep voice.

I am going to cum just at his words

"Mmm." That was the only thing I could say. My brain didn't work anymore. I had melted into him. All my confidence was gone. It had all gone out through the window. He had all the power over me now. And not in a bad way. In a good way. The best way possible.

"There's only one way to find out,gattina." He said. His other hand making its way down my body.

Ohhh!! Spicyyy😍

✔️𝑈𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑙 𝐷𝑒𝑎𝑡ℎ 𝐷𝑜 𝑈𝑠 𝐴𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡.18+(𝐵𝑂𝑂𝐾 1)   Where stories live. Discover now