chapter 7

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N/A I just wanted to say again that this fanfic is going to have some of the same scenes as in IT but some of the stuff will be made up   

Avelias POV;

*one month later

I was at the arcade with Richie and suddenly Bill ran to us panicked and yelled "ITs g-got Beverly!" "Bill what do you mean?!" I asked  "I-i was go-going to bring her her bike be-ecause I f-f-found her bike on the street but th-there was writing in-in blood that said something about It t-taking her" "WHAT!We need to help her!" I said panicked   "Ok lets go get the others" Richie told us as I left  the arcade

"W-what were you guys doing together a-anyways?" Bill asked

"Oh I was just beating Richie in street fighter" I said as I walked out of the arcade 

Richie's POV (bet you weren't expecting that);  

Bill was about to walk out of the arcade but I stopped him "Nothings going on between me and Lia you know that right?" I asked Bill "y-yea" The truth is that me and Lia have became really close friends after I told her about me liking boys "Alright than" I said letting him go

3 person POV;

After they gathered everyone the headed down to the sewers. Mike tied up a rope and keep watch as everyone went down "If I fucken fall I swear to god" Avelia said "Y-you will be fine" Bill said reassuring her "Hate to ruin your moment but Bower and his freaking gang are up there" Yelled Richie "Mike are you ok!" Avelia yelled as they heard the sound of a gun cock and Bower and his gang ran away "Yea I'm fine you guys keep going" Mike said to his friends 

Avelia's POV;

Its been about four minutes sense we started to climb down the rope I was above Bill and Stanley was about me I was about to ask if we were almost down when I got hit with something I'm not sure what it was but I caused me to let go of the rope lucky for me Bill saved me "Thanks" I whispered "Y-your w-w-welcome" Bill said as his face turned a light shade of red

*five minutes later

We finally made it down it felt like we had been climbing for hours but in reality it had only been like ten minutes we began to walk down the nasty sewer but we were stopped by the sight of Beverly floating in the air her once blue eyes were now white and her fair freckly skin was now a sickening color of purple she was around six feet above the ground just close enough to the ground for me to reach her "Beverly" I screamed shaking her awake but our panicking was interrupted by It Bill protectively pushed me behind him as It gave a big smile "you'll float too" he said repeatedly "Were not scarred of you" I screamed It then can charging towards me and Bill he then grabbed Bill and said something about him letting us live if he can have Bill "Go" Bill told us "No take me instead" I told It but Stanley pulled me back "No Lia" he whispered "I told you Bill I don't want to die its your fucking fault" Richie said walking closer to It and Bill "what is he doing" I asked but know one answered instead Richie started talking "You punched my face, You made me walk through shity water, You brought me to a fucking crack head house, and now I'm gonna have to kill this fucking clown" "Welcome to the losers club asshole" Richie yelled as we all started to attack the clown. We stabbed him kicked him until he clasped Bill said something about him starving because none of us were afraid of him anymore he then fell backwards into the sewer and his head started to disintegrate "fear " he said as he dropped down "I know what I'm doing for my summer experiences essay" Richie said as Bill pulled me in for a hug "guys, guys kids are floating down" Eddie said out of breath from the comer  of my eye I saw  Bill walking over to Georgies rain coat I walk over and hug him as the other losers join in   

3 person POV;


"I saw us back when we were back in the sewer but we were older like our parents ages" Beverly says

"W-what were we all doing?" Bill asked

"I just remember how we felt, scarred and worried I don't think anyone can forget that" Bill picked up a piece of glass and said "swear if It isn't dead and he ever comes back we will come back too" Bill says as they all stand up Bill then cuts his hand with a piece of glass then Richie, then Eddie, then Mike, then Stanley, then Ben, then Beverly, until he finally gets to Avelia they then all grab hands 

"I gotta go, I hate you" Stan says with a smile as they all start to laugh   

"Are you coming?" Stanley asks Avelia 

"Yea just give me a sec" Avelia says as the others leave except Bill

Avelia's POV; 

I grab Bill by the hand and pull him closer and bring my lips to his after a few minutes I pull away "I really like you Bill" I told him "I-I can tell" He said sarcastically as I lightly hit his shoulder "Ok Richie" I said rolling my eyes "I like you too Lia" Bill said making me blush as he pulled me in for a hug

N/A ahhh this gave me a lot of different emotions when I was writing this! This is my last chapter thank you for making it this far, I will be writing a squeal similar to IT chapter two! SPOILER ABOUT BILL AND AVELIA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  They will be married in the squeal I cant stand sad endings :)         

(if you have any ships for the squeal feel free to comment them below)  

Words: 1011

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