Flu part 2

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Nathalie has been staying at the Agreste mansion for the past few days, while she was sick because Gabriel insisted she did. After the first two or three days, Nathalie managed to get some work done in bed and after the fourth day, she was now working from her desk.

It was about 1:15pm when the phone started ringing, Gabriel was busy so Nathalie answered as usual "Gabriel Agreste brand, how can I help you?"

"This is Mrs Bustier, Adrien hasn't been feeling well this morning, I'll monitor him but if it gets worse, I'll have to send him home"

"Thank you, Please call if you need someone to pick him up from school early"

"Goodbye, Miss Sancouer"

"Goodbye" Nathalie put the phone down, hanging up.

"Who was that?" Gabriel looked up from his podium

"Adrien hasn't been feeling well this morning, his teacher was notifying us" She told him

"He probably caught the flu from you" Gabriel continued his work, pretending not to care

"Yeah" Nathalie sighed, looking back at her computer

It was now 3:43 and they were expecting Adrien to walk through the door any second. Nathalie heard the front door creek as it opened, she got up to meet Adrien.

When she went into the hall, she saw Adrien, he looked horrible, he looked exhausted.

"Hi Nathalie" he sniffled

"Why didn't Mrs bustier tell me you were so sick? She said you were ok?" Nathalie caressed his cold cheek

"I didn't want to miss school because my body wasn't up to it. I still have to test my brain" Adrien put down his bag

"Since when were you 'Mr Inspiration'?" Nathalie chuckled

"Ha. Ha." Adrien said, walking up to his room "Nathalie? Can you get me a hot water bottle, please?"

"Of course" she smiled, walking back to her desk. Luckily, she always kept one in her desk drawer for 'that time of the month' , so she went into the kitchen and filled it up.

On her way up to Adrien's room, Gabriel poked his head out of the office "Nathalie? How is Adrien?"

"I'm not sure, I'll check now" She told him

Nathalie knocked on the bedroom door, "Adrien?"

"Mmm" she heard Adrien groan from inside

She opened the door, and saw Adrien laying on his bed, lifeless "Adrien?"

He lifted his head slightly "yeah?"

"You really aren't well, are you? Get in bed and I'll tell your father" Nathalie ran her hand through his blonde locks

"O-O-Okay" he coughed

Adrien shuffled his way to the head of the bed and Nathalie tucked him in.

She then went back down to the office "Mr Agreste?"

"What?" He grumbled

"Adrien isn't well, I think he caught the flu" Nathalie said, sitting at her desk.

"Call the doctor" He said emotionless

"Of course" she looked down and realised she forgot to shut the drawer. She then noticed the silk pyjamas in her drawer, she was meant to give it back but she kept forgetting. Nathalie pulled them out of the desk drawer and put them infront of her.

"I apologise, sir, I forgot to give these back" she showed him

He looked at the painting, behind him "it's... fine, she would want you to keep them"

All of a sudden, it all made sense, the initials on the pyjamas stood for 'Emilie Graham de Vanily Agreste'.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realise they were... hers" she apologised

"It doesn't matter" Gabriel took a deep breath

She contemplated trying to comfort him but she knew it would only end in something other than what she had intended. Nathalie took a final look at his distraught face before leaving to check on Adrien again.

As she walked up the marble staircase, she started to think. She had always dreamed to be more than an assistant but it just seems like Gabriel wasn't ready to move on yet.

The end

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