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(Set in season 3)

3:15 pm

Nathalie had been given the job of babysitting Penny and jagged's 19 month old toddler and surprisingly she was actually a bit excited. There was a knock at the door and Nathalie answered it, Penny was dressed up in casual clothes" Here" she handed the baby to Nathalie.

Penny was in a hurry "Sorry, I have a lot of work, here's Sofia's teddy" then She rushed off not giving Nathalie a chance to talk, she closed the door and placed the small raven haired baby on the floor "So what do you want to do?"

Sofia grabbed her hair undoing her bun "What about food" she put the baby on the counter "Toast? Salad? What do babies eat?" She searched the cupboards "Penny must have left something for you, right?" She grabbed the bag from the sofa and placed it next to Sofia "Here it is pea purée, eww, hopefully you like it" she opened the jar.

"Open your mouth" she tried to feed the toddler, Sofia grabbed the spoon and flicked it everywhere including hers and Nathalie's face "Noooooop" she shook her head.

She put her on the floor and went into the bathroom to clean up, when she came back Sofia had gotten into her makeup and had put lipstick all over herself "I left you for one minute!" She was frustrated.

She put her in the bathtub and gave her a bath, by the time Sofia was out the bath the floor was flooded with water.

Nathalie put Sofia into her bunny pyjamas and snuggled her into her double bed (Nathalie's bed)

She waited until she fell asleep then got on with some work, she had about an hour of peace before it was broken by a baby crying.

Nathalie walked into her room "what's wrong?" She sat next to Sofia "I want Food" she sobbed "I tried to feed you an hour ago"

Sofia crossed her arms "I feed myself" she said confidently

"Oh, So Your an independent little woman" Nathalie laughed

She put her on the sofa and handed her a baby biscuit, she nibbled on it like a hamster which made Nathalie's heart melt.

Suddenly, she smelled a horrible smell, she looked at Sofia just sat there "did you poop?"

"Mmhhmm"'she nodded, still chewing her biscuit

Nathalie picked her up like a bomb as far away as possible as she made her way to the bathroom, Again!

5 gross minutes later

She opened the bathroom door with a small grin, Sofia ran out into the small living area "Playyyyy" she shouted running circles around the coffee table "Fine" Nathalie compromised.

They sat on the floor and Sofia started to sing "twinkle twinkle little star"

"How I wonder what you are" Nathalie continued

"up above the world so high like a diamond in the sky" they sang together

All of a sudden, there was a knock at the door "hi penny" Nathalie smiled opening the door, Sofia ran towards her mother and she picked her up "did you behave?" She kissed Sofia's cheek

"We had a lot of fun actually" Nathalie passed penny the baby bag

The end

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