Perfectly Imperfect [Part 6] [END]

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Once their kiss was over, they stayed that way for moment looking at each other's eyes. They were talking with their eyes again. "I love you Aoi Asahina" Hiro spoke. Aoi leaned to give him a quick kiss before answering "I love you too Yasuhiro Hagakure." Hiro hugged her even tighter, finally feeling her in his arms felt so right. He just wanted to melt in this moment. Suddenly, they heard a rumble. It took a few seconds before they noticed the sky around them turn gray with rain clouds. Aoi looked up "Hiro, what made you think doing this on the roof was a great idea?" she asked. Hiro too looked up "My reading this morning said that today would be clear skies and no rain.." he said weakly. Aoi laughed, the old her would be very pissed at him, but right now, she can't help but laugh at this silly mistake. He's an idiot, but he's her idiot. They stood there and suddenly, could feel rain drops fall around them and on their head. It first started as a drizzle then quickly turned into heavy rain. "Hina! Let's get out of here!" Hiro then grabbed her and pulled her towards the door. He turned the doorknob and was horrified that it didn't open. "What? It's been thirty minutes! Byakuya!" he shouted as he pounded on the door, his other hand holding Aoi's hand tight. Aoi just stood there laughing. "I'm gonna seriously put cheap fabric softener on his clothes and buy him stale bread!" Hiro yelled a midst the roar of the rain. He was now drenched with rain and Aoi was as well. He looked at Aoi, he was panicking, he felt a heavy weight on his shoulders as he realized this was another fail. But the way Aoi smiled there in the rain, made him calm down. "I'm sorry Hina, I failed again" he said sadly. Aoi shook her head, and gripped his hand even tighter "It's perfect" she said then grabbed his neck for another kiss. When she let go, Hiro just smiled. She was right, the whole universe could put him in the worst place possible, but if Aoi's there, it wouldn't matter. He took off his blazer and even though it was soaking, he placed it on top of her head. They both sat right next to the door and decided to just watch the rain. Aoi wrapped her hands around Hiro's arm then laid her head on his shoulder. They were still both so drunk with the feeling of joy being next to each other that they didn't care about the rain anymore.

Hiro sat on his chair as he saw Makoto walk in his cubicle. He had received a message from Makoto earlier telling him and the others to meet up after work. Makoto decided to meet up around Hiro's cubicle because it was closest to where everybody was. "Hey bro!" he greeted his friend. "Hey Hiro! Stressful day huh?" Makoto greeted back as he leaned on the wall. Hiro laughed "Tell me about it, my superior really needs to get that stick right out his ass" he said. Just then, Byakuya walked towards them, his face disgusted as he clearly heard what Hiro said "You're the one with a stick in his ass, and why is my shirt so stiff? Did you not use the fabric softener I told you to use?" Byakuya asked with a frown. Hiro just laughed completely ignoring his question. Suddenly, someone else approached them. It was Aoi. "Hey guys!" she greeted the two men, before looking at Hiro " Hey boyfriend!" she said then skipped inside and directly gave him a hug. "My girlfriend's here!"Hiro cried as he gave her a small peck on the cheek. Byakuya snorted and Makoto can't help but smile. He was very happy that this is how the whole situation with Aoi and Hiro ended up. Aoi then sat on Hiro's desk keeping her arms wrapped around Hiro's neck as she stayed behind him. "Are we waiting for Kyoko?" Aoi asked as she played with Hiro's hair, and Hiro intertwined his hand with her free hand. "Who would have thought these two idiots would fall in love?" Byakuya mumbled which Makoto heard and just brushed it off. It's been a month since Hiro and Hina made their relationship official. Although it made everyone, including the whole office happy, sometimes, they may have their doubts. The couple surely know what public display of affection is. They almost went everywhere together and would hug each other whenever they can. It's a sickening sight for Byakuya but Makoto always thought it was disgustingly cute. "Yeah, she'll be here" Makoto answered just as Kyoko appeared. Byakuya saw her then said "Well, we're all here now, hurry up so I could go home" he demanded to Makoto. Makoto scratched his head "Okay, okay" he stammered. He really wasn't sure where to begin. He scanned for Kyoko's gaze and when they locked eyes, he found his confidence as he felt Kyoko's support through her stare. He nodded his head "I gathered you guys here because I have been planning something for a while.. I'm going to rebuild Hope's Peak Academy" Makoto started. Byakuya's, Aoi's and Hiro's eyes all widened. "For serious?" Hiro asked. "Are you even allowed to do that? I mean, it's kind of hard to take back the reputation of the school as it fell into ruins"Aoi said. Makoto nodded his head, but it was Kyoko who spoke next "We're aware of that, and it won't be easy, but we'll make sure to take it back, make the academy stand on it's feet again"she said calm as ever. "Well, we do owe a piece of us to that school, if it wasn't for the horrors we went through, we wouldn't be here, as friends" Makoto said. "And.. we owe as much to our classmates that perished there.." Byakuya spoke, his voice soft, different from how he always talked. His voice this time enveloped with sadness. He looked and saw everyone have sad smiles painted on their faces. He hesitated then smiled as well. "I'll help you out Makoto" he said facing him. Makoto turned to look at him. "You asked us here because you need our assistance, and I will help, I'm pretty sure my pristine name will be able to do something to make things easier for you" he said. Makoto smiled happily "Thanks Byakuya, I knew I could count on you." "We'll help out too for sure!" Aoi cried, her eyes stained with tears. The subject was very much sensitive to them. "Of course! For everyone! For Sakura!" Hiro cried too. Aoi looked at him then gave him a tight hug "For Sakura" she smiled. Kyoko then walked towards Makoto then gave him a reassuring nod. Makoto looked around at his friends and finally his heart felt light and he was filled with determination. With his friends' support, he was sure he will be able to fulfill his dream and rebuild the Academy that brought him and his friends together, the Hope's Peak Academy.


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