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Y/n pov

"How do you both know Y/n?" Finn asks confused,
Holy fucken shit! Come up with a cover story!
"I- um-" The Senator hesitated.
Once my name came off his lips the whole mission was at risk. How could the Senator know me, a normal "college student", its not normal. Regardless if he somehow knows me, how would he know this new student on campus?
F u c k.
"Well?" Finn asks with this sort of anger in his tone, he must already be thinking something.
"Well, Y/n was walking by yesterday and offered to help with with our luggage, afterwards I bought her a coffee to thank her." The Senators wife lies.
"Yes-" I say going along with the story,
"I still think it's werid you know her." Finn says with this suspicion face.
"I get it son, so may we steal him for a couple of hours?" Senator Wolfhard asks changing the subject.
"Of course." I say.
"See you at the mixer later?" Finn asks.
"I wouldn't miss it." I smile.
Finn smiled and I left him there with his parents, then I went back to my dorm.

Hours later...

The sun had set and it was time for this sleepover party thing, I dont know. Pros of being on the cheersquad I suppose. Before Millie comes to pick me up I got a text,

*Text messages*
Group chat:

How is the college experience? Have you been invited to any frat parties?
Omg if you do can we come along? Work is depressing since you got this mission
Haha I'll definitely invite you both
I've only been on this mission for 48 hours and suddenly I have to become Finn's GF
God I need to blow off steam

*End of messages*

Someone knocked on the door, I assume its Millie,
"Im coming!" I yell then walk to the door,
"Why aren't you dressed yet?" Millie asks walking in,
"Oh we're supposed to wear pjs?" I ask looking at my outfit.
"Yess! This is a college party remember that." She winks pulling me over to my closet so I can change.
"Your right, let me look." I say looking through my drawer,
Then I changed into these silk red matching set. The shorts are a little small, thanks Captain for making me dress like a girl that wants attention. And I unbuttoned the top a little so you could see my black bralette top.
"Hm a certain someone will be drooling all over your outfit." Millie giggles.
She faked coughed and said Finn,
"Oh shush." I giggle.
Then Millie looks to the side of my closet, and she grabs my handcuffs.

S h i t.
"Y/n what are these?" Millie asks holding up the cuffs confused,
"It's not what it looks like-" I say grabbing them back and throwing them in the darker corner of my closet,
"I would have never pictured you to be into that type of stuff." She chuckles.
My eyes widen,
"What?" I ask.
"You know restraining them under the sheets." She winks.
Well that wasn't the excuse I was going to pick but it works,
"Uhm yeah-" I say nervously.
"Oh there's no reason to be shy its bold, personally I'm not into that kinda kink." She shrugs.
I seriously need to hide my FBI shit better, so I can avoid conversations like these.
"Well it's not for everyone." I say brushing it off,
"Yeah, you ready to go?" Millie chuckles
"Lets go." I smile.

Once we got to the cabin where the party is at, I saw many people having the time of there lives. Captain told me the college parties are supposedly the best part of college, which now I see why. People shine in parties, it's a chance to have fun and socialize. But I'm not disappointed that I decided to skip all this in life-
"This place is nice." I smile.
"It's Jack's parents place." Millie winks.
"Do they not care for the mess after?" I giggle.
"Usually they go on a trip this time of year which is why we must always have the mixer here." Millie smiles waving at someone.
"Hm interesting, he's got some cash from his parents." I say.
"Oh its not his parents money, it's his." Millie says.
"How?" I ask.
"From the movies he's been in." Millie says.
Wait what?! I must live under a fucken rock.
"What?" I ask.
"You know Shazam, It?" She asks.
"Oh yeahhh-" I lie.
"And I've been in Stranger Things-" Millie kept talking about all these things she's been in. Then she told me how famous Finn was as well. Why do rich kids need to go to college for? If I was rich I'd own my own private island with a pool of dolphins that I could swim with. But it makes sense, this school is for rich kids. I must be some peasant to them.

"I can't believe you didn't know about this." Millie giggles.
"It's- mind blowing." I sigh rubbing my head.
"Well I like you didn't know, you treated me like a real person." She smiles.
"Regardless I think I'd treat you like a human being." I laugh.
"Thanks." She smiles.
I nodded my head,
"Let's go find the other girls." She says grabbing my arm and dragging me to a different room,
When we got to the room, I saw almost everyone from the cheer team and football team,
"I'll get us drinks." Millie says walking away.
Finn said he'd be here but I dont see him anywhere. I'm supposed to know where he is at all times. I'll text him,

*Text messages*

Are you still coming to Jack's?
Hey you ;)
After dinner with my parents I'll sneak off to the party
Oh okay I was wondering where you were
Aw you we're thinking about me
Shut up :)

*End of messages*

"Here's ur drink." Millie says handing me a can of beer,
"Thanks Millie." I smile grabbing the can,
"Look the girls are there let's go dance our asses off!" Millie sqeals.
I only took one sip and she was already grabbing my arm dragging me across to the dance floor,
"All right let's dance!" I say as she dragged me, I shouldn't drink much. I'm supposed to be aware of my surroundings to protect Finn. After dancing for a while this guy comes behind me,
"Hm new girls always look yummy." He says.
Yuck seriously?
I turned around to face him,
I've never seen this guy before in my life, wait he's on the football team with Finn!
"Playing hard to get turns me on." He winks when he sees my face,
"Trust me I'm not trying to play hard to get." I scoff.
"Something tells me you know your interested in me." He chuckles.
I rolled my eyes,
"You heared her Noah." Finn says coming out of nowhere mad.
I kinda smiled about Finn defending me,
"Your loss." Noah says walking away,
Such a jerk,
"Hey, are you okay?" Finn asks coming closer to me,
"Im good." I smile.
"I like your pjs they're very-" His eyes looked at my body up and down, Millie was right he's practically drooling,
"-um, cute on you." He blushes looking into my eyes again,
"Well thank you." I giggle.
"Noah turn up the music!" Caleb yells,
"Say less!" Noah yells,
I've been paying attention to some of the guys names on the football team so I know Finn's friends more. I'm starting to get used to being in college.

Idk what to say :3

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