Part 21👴🏾

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A/n I edited the picture to look like that don't do some funny shit now and say you did. (I'm joking take it idgaf)
Amariha POV
I finally get home after a long flight and go straight up to my room.
Kairi: AMARIHA! he said running to me like a toddler
Amariha: hey Kai she said laughing a little
Kairi: what were u doing back in Cali?
Amariha: nothing really all I did was blame my ex for a murder I did
Mattia: yeah cause that's totally normal he said in a sarcastic tone
Kairi: yeah totally
Amariha: shut up she said laughing
Kairi: I'm hungry
Mattia and amariha: when are not they said at the same time
Amariha and Mattia look at each other and smile at each other. Mattia looks down at the floor trying to cover him blushing.
Kairi: aww is big boy Mattia blushing
Mattia: shut up Kai
Amariha: I want IHOP
Kairi: it's 9:50 pm tho
Mattia: pancakes are always the move
Amariha: rightttt
mattia and amariha smiled at each other and both look down when they made eye contact
Amariha: okay let's go eat
Kairi: let's sit over there
Amariha POV
We sat down and waited for a waiter to come. After 5 minutes the waiter comes she has her boobs all out craving attention.
Waiter: hey I'll be your waiter what can I get for u to drink sir she said w a smile leaning over to Mattia
Mattia: um I'll have a Pepsi
Waiter: and you?
Kairi: I'll have a vanilla milkshake
Waiter: what about you she said in an annoyed tone
Amariha: umm I'll have a water
Kairi: Amariha what's wrong why do u look like that
Amariha: nothing she said w a smirk on her face
Kairi: I don't like that face she's gonna do something
Amariha turned her head and seen the waiter coming. She grabbed Mattia's face and gave him a passionate kiss w tongue. She looks over and sees the waiter w a mad/annoyed face and smiled a little bit.
Kairi: umm so I'm not here?
Amariha and Mattia pull away from their kiss and blush.
Kairi: so what the hell just happened?
Mattia: umm idk one minute I'm minding my business and the next me and amariha are kissing
Amariha: Mattia you are such a good kisser
Mattia: eh I've kissed better
Amariha: oh then why were you biting my lip and pulling me closer
kairi: Dayum.
mattia: shut the fuck up
kairi: look our food is coming
mattia: I know that shit gon be bussin
amariha: shut yo fat ass up she said laughing
kairi: that's a different waiter and he's cute
amariha: OH YOU SAID HE CUTE? she said very loud
kairi: amariha! stfu he said trying not to look like he's not talking
kairi POV
the waiter comes and of course, with the luck, I have he gives amariha and Mattia's food first. when he gives me my food we make eye contact. we stay there for a couple of seconds looking at each other eyes till he puts my plate. he says enjoy and walks away.
end of POV
amariha: omg kairi
kairi looked away from where the cute young man was standing and looks down and blushes really hard.
mattia: we can't take kai anywhere. he has everybody in love with him mattia say while putting his food in his mouth
kairi: no but this one actually caught my attention
Amariha: why's that?
Kairi: I don't know he seems different in a way
Amariha: get his snap
Kairi: what no!
Amariha: alright then I'll go Mattia move
Mattia: damn ok
Kairi: no amariha sit down now
Before kairi can even finish the sentence amariha was already on her way. Kairi looked back and seen her already talking to him he turns around and starts to play with his fingers.
mattia: calm down kai nothing bad is gonna happen. oh and amariha is coming back.
amariha: mattia: get up pls
mattia: so what happened?
amariha: omg kairi he thinks you're cute but he did give me his snap but don't get sad and scared because he said he wants to give it to u in person.
kairi: what- I can't talk to him
amariha: well I mean with that attitude you're not calm the fuck down it's not that serious
kairi: not that serious!? amariha I haven't dated anybody since you know who I only had sneaky links since then. look I can't even say his name I just don't want to get hurt again.
mattia: well you won't get hurt again and if u do I swear to god I'll-
amariha: calm down mattia
mattia: I'm not joking I'll kill him.
amariha: calm down mattia
mattia: I finished my food can yall hurry up
kairi: mattia stfu we're almost done
mattia: okay damn
20 minutes later
kairi: okay I'm done with my food I'm gonna use the bathroom
mattia: okay we'll wait for u in the car
kairi POV
was almost finished using the bathroom and when I was abt to walk out I bumped into someone. I look up and I see it's my waiter.
waiter: you should really watch where you're going I don't want u to mess the pretty face of yours he said grabbing Kairi's face
kairi: mmm pretty sure u bumped into me anyways he said removing the waiter's hand slowly
waiter: what's your name cutie?
(PLS I hate the word cutie)
kairi: don't call me cute and my name is kairi
waiter: Damn you're mean for being small and cute
kairi: you're already annoying
waiter: mhm what's your snap?
kairi: look he said pulling out his phone opening Snapchat
waiter: I have to subscribe to you?
kairi: yeah I'm kinda an influencer
waiter: my name is Diego btw
kairi: I got to go my friends are waiting for me in the car
Diego: see you soon cutie
kairi: Don't call me cute kairi said walking out of the bathroom not letting Diego get the last word
*In the car*
mattia: wtf were u doing taking a shit!?
kairi: stfu and no I was talking to the waiter
mattia: you had me here with amariha listening to her tribble music
amariha: then why were u singing along
mattia: no I wasn't
amariha: okay so you weren't like "he call me big pur gon make that pussy purr"
mattia: anyways what happened with you and him kairi
amariha; mhm that's what I thought
kairi: he's really cute and annoying
amariha: oh so like mattia just without the cute
mattia: ky$
amariha: I mean I'll do it if u do it
mattia: I mean shii I'm down
amariha: kai continue
kairi: Nah I don't wanna talk abt it anymore
amariha: you sure? you seemed hyped when you got in the car.
kairi: can u just leave me alone I don't wanna talk abt it anymore he said with a tone
amariha: damn okay
kairi POV
idk why I just snapped but idk I'm just kinda mad that amariha and mattia getting "along" it's like I'm just the side friend. but it's fine it doesn't matter.
10 minutes later
we finally get home and I go straight inside.
End of POV
Sebastian: yo what's wrong with kairi
amariha: idk he kinda snapped on me in the car
mattia: he's probably in a mood. For such a small person his moods switch up a lot for no reason just give him sometime
amariha: fine
kairi POV
omg, what if I'm actually just the third friend? omg am I the third friend? maybe I'm just overthinking it and just need water and a nap. I go downstairs and see amariha asleep on mattia shoulder smile and get a blanket over them and then get my water. at the end of the day, they're still my family.

A/n bipolar ass😭 anyways the next chapter is gonna be way more interesting

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