part 27 ☹️

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morning mattia pov
i just woke up and i look at amariha. even tho she's 7 months pregnant she's beautiful. i get lost in my train of thought and didn't even notice i was staring at her.
amariha: you know staring isn't polite
mattia: shut the fuck up
amariha: make me she said with a devilish smirk
i kiss amariha. very soon after it became a rough but passionate kiss. amariha got on top of me not breaking our kiss and then.. elaine came running in the room with kairi behind her.amariha jumped off of me so elaine won't see her on top.
kairi: jesus elaine let's go downstairs
elaine: but i want tia she said in a sad tone
mattia: come her baby
elaine ran to mattia arms in excitement
kairi: y'all some freaky nasty fucks he said walking way
amariha: KAIRI SHUSH
elanie: mommy what are we doing today?
amariha: i'm gonna work and your gonna hang out with tia & kai.
elanie: but why do u have to workkk she said with a sad face
mattia: what u don't want to hang out with me and kai?
elanie: u guys won't play dress up with me she rolled her eyes
amariha: u better play dress up with my baby and if u don't ima break you and kai hand she said with a smile on her face
mattia: fineeee
amariha leaves and i head downstairs with elanie to cook breakfast with kairi.
mattia: i want to propose to amariha
mattia: shush i don't want no one to hear you but yea i really love her man he said trying to fight his smile
kairi: when are u gonna do it?
mattia: today i've been planning it i just don't have the ring yet so will u come help me find a ring today?
kairi: of course man i'm so happy for you he said hugging mattia
mattia: ima go get dressed and get elanie dressed to
kairi: me too let me know when we're leaving
i go up stairs and get me and elanie ready and we all head to the jewelry store.
mattia: hey, i'm looking for something really extra and say wow
worker: i have something perfect for you

mattia: wow this is perfect i buy the ring and text amariha that today we all are going out to eat together

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mattia: wow this is perfect
i buy the ring and text amariha that today we all are going out to eat together.
amariha get home and i give her a kiss and i tell her to put her best dress on.
hours later
we finally made it to dinner. we were all having a good time. i finally built the courage to do it. i grab amariha hand and tell her stand up. i get down on one knee.
mattia: amariha i love u so much. you've always been the right one for me. no matter what u do i'll stand by u always and forever. will you marry me?
amariha: yes
a bunch of gun shots start to fire i look and one hit amariha and then i feel this sharp pain near my heart i look and i got shot to i fell down to the grown lying there next to amariha and elanie. i grab there hands and kiss it telling them i love them so much.
kairi pov
the gun shots stop and i look around to see amariha, mattia and elanie on the ground with blood all over them. i run over to them to see if they were still alive. they were all dead. i start to cry so much i can't breathe. i look over and still see ale breathing. i hear sirens and the emts come rushing over. they take ale and mattia elanie and amariha. i just stood there. the emts were talking to me but i can't hear everything is moving so slow. i feel tear go down my face and then everything goes black.

A/n wow 😧😧. the end :))

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