Prologue: The Return of The King

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(Y/N) POV, Age 11

I did a few practice swings with my father's sword, getting it caught in a tree and having to yank it out.

(Y/N): Alright, I think I'm done. 

I put the Yamato back into its scabbard before making my way back toward my house... Which was engulfed in flames.

(Y/N): Dad! No!

I ran to the house in an attempt to find Father, only for a large pack of Grimm to surround me. I wanted to scream, but one of the Grimm jammed its teeth into my shoulder, and threw me to a tree. I screamed out in pain as another Grimm jammed its teeth into the nape of my neck, shook me like a chew-toy, and threw me towards a group of Beowulfs, who proceeded to maul me. As I looked up at the large flame which completely encapsulated my house, one thought rose to the front of my mind.

(Y/N): How... how could Dad have not taken care of this...?

As the Beowulfs continued to maul me, my anger bubbled to the surface.

(Y/N): Get off me...

Of course, being mindless beasts, they couldn't understand a word of what I said.

(Y/N): I said... GET OFF ME!

For a moment, even the Grimm looked scared of me. Only for that split second, however. I took out the Yamato, and started effortlessly ripping and tearing through the Grimm.

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