New Kid - Chapter 1

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Anxious thoughts raced through your mind, bombarded by the tense atmosphere of the new school. Due to your mother's new job offer, you were forced to move to Florida, despite your pleads to stay back in Texas. You deeply missed your friends; you had lived there your entire life and had became attached to your old home.

A sickness ran over you as you approached the entrance to the school. Your palms held pools of sweat as you grasped your rucksack straps for dear life. You surprised yourself of how nervous you were. Taking a deep breath you walked up the stairs and pushed open the double doors, only to be surrounded by a sea of teens. Your anxiousness instantly came back, only for it to be gone as quick as it came when you take a look at the students, welcomed by friendly looking faces. Maybe it wasn't going to be so awful after all.
172 you repeat to yourself, peering at the crumpled post-it note in your hand. 172... you scan the isle of lockers. 170... 171...

172. Bingo.

You fiddled with the silver numbers, struggling to twist the digits into place. Finally you get the correct combination and open your locker, carefully placing your bag inside. You pull out your schedule, staring at the Monday times. First period: English. You were about to head to your class when a sudden slam startled you. At the neighbouring locker stood a sweet looking boy with shoulder-length dark hair. He closed his locker, a notebook in hand, before looking at you and smiling as his dark eyes locked with yours. You felt a flutter in your stomach as he turned and headed down the hall.


Room 5 was your English lesson. As you walked in, you scanned the classroom, only to find the boy you had encountered sitting at the back. Your teacher pointed to your seat which was at the opposite side of the room.

At the end of the lesson your teacher announced a group project. Jeez, a project already? It's only the first day! As if hearing your thoughts, the teacher reassured the class that it was only to assess your current knowledge. He began calling out the groups, which were twos. "...Johnathan and Emily, Rebecca and Lilly and finally Y/N and Owen." I glanced across the classroom for my partner. The boy with the long dark hair gave an awkward smile and waved. You walked over to him, "Hey, I'm Y/N," you said. "Owen," he replied softly.


Lunch eventually rolled around. You tried to find an empty table, nervously carrying a tray of food. You quietly made sat at a table in the corner of the cafeteria and read a book in silence.

"So when you wanna start on this project?" You were so deep in your story that you jumped out of your skin at the sudden voice. You looked up to see none other than Owen. He took a seat opposite you and stared at you inquisitively.

"We could start tomorrow i-if you'd like?" You reply, "at the library?"

He nodded and gave you a toothy grin. "Did you just move here?" He asked shyly.

"Yeah, actually I moved a little over a week ago. I'm so nervous I don't know anything," you chuckled awkwardly.

"It's okay! I'm fairly new too, we can figure it out together," he smiled. You felt your cheeks grow warm.

You continued to laugh and joke around awkwardly when you were both caught off guard by a small group of people.

"Wow, the two newbies sitting together in harmony," a girl mocked, fluttering her eyelashes at us.

"Damn, I didn't know little Owen could get a girlfriend," a taller boy laughed. Owen grabbed your hand, "Let's just go,"

You were blocked. The group of people surrounded you both. The somewhat okay day was turning into a bad one. The first day of school and you were already being picked on by your new rivals.

New Kid ~ Owen Teague Where stories live. Discover now