New home, new school

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Nico P.O.V

I sat down at the kitchen table and sighed. 

"When do we move in again, dad?" My dad looked up from his computer. "The 29th, Nico. I've told you before."

"Right. I'm gonna be the new kid again." I sighed again. "Too bad Bianca doesn't go to school anymore." 

"Why is that?" I rolled my eyes. "So I wouldn't have to be the new kid all by myself." I got up from the table and headed for the door. "I'm going to my apartment, dad. See you later." 

"Yeah. Drive safe." I grabbed my keys and unlocked the door to my black Dodge Challenger. I hopped in and started it up. After buckling the seat belt, I rolled down the window and drove the 70 second drive to my apartment. 

(A/N: Nico's family is kinda rich, and he has his own apartment, even though he's only 16. Sometimes he stays at his dad's house.)

I shut off the car and got out. Pressing the lock button over my shoulder, I headed for the door. I walked to the elevator and punched in the 4 button. A minute later, I arrived on my floor. 

My apartment building has five floors, two "suites" on each floor. My apartment has two bedrooms, one that I use as a storage/office room, a bathroom, a full kitchen, a good sized living room, and a little loft, where I read and draw. I love it.

"Hmm, what should I eat? That's another thing I need to do. Shopping." I shut the fridge and walked into my bedroom. Taking off my shirt and pants, I grabbed my towel and walked to the bathroom. I took off my boxers and stepped into the shower. 

"Ow, that's hot," I muttered after I turned the dial to the max. "Feels good though." I soaped up and rinsed off. 

I walked into my bedroom and rifled through my closet. I pulled out a shirt just as my phone rang. "Who the hell is calling me right now?" I muttered, annoyed. I grabbed it anyway, and answered. 

"Hey Nico. Can you talk?" I sighed. "Hey Hazel. Yeah. Good thing I'm already out of the shower." I smiled as she laughed. "Yeah. So, are you guys still getting that house?" 

"Yeah. But I'm gonna ask my dad if I can stay here. I like this apartment." Hazel hummed. "Yeah. But are you gonna go to that school, or stay where you are?" I shrugged, even though she couldn't see me. 

"I don't know. I'm kinda tired of St. Brooks." 

"But you don't like public school. At least, I thought." 

"Yeah, I don't. But I'm tired of driving an hour to school. I'll probably go to Goode." I walked into my kitchen and looked through the cupboards.

"I don't have anything to eat, sis. You should come over." Hazel hesitated. "I don't know. You're sister doesn't like me." I laughed. 

"She's just jealous of you." Hazel chuckled. "Jealous? Nico, you're funny. She's older, smarter, better looking, and has tons of cool talents. And dad actually cares about her. Why would she be jealous of me?" 

"Because of your relationship with me, Hazel. I care about her, but I know you better. And she rarely gets along with dad. You do, even though he doesn't like you as much." I opened the fridge and pulled out the milk. 

"So, you gonna come over?" 

"I dunno. An hour drive, just for dinner?" I didn't answer, because I was surprised. Hazel noticed, and quickly said, "Nico, I was kidding. I can't tonight, but maybe tomorrow. We can go shopping together, and convince dad to let you stay at your place." 

"Thanks, sis. See you tomorrow." 

"Yeah. Bye, Nico." 

"Bye." I hung up and set my phone on the counter. I grabbed some bread and the peanut butter, and started making a sandwich. I didn't notice I only had my boxer's on till someone knocked on the door. 

"Hold on a sec!" I ran to my room and pulled on a pair of shorts, and ran to open the door. 

"What are you doing here?" Travis grinned at me. "I need a favor, man." I scowled. "What?" 

"I'm planning a party for Connor, but I don't want him to know. It's on the 27th." 

"Is it a birthday party?" Travis laughed. "No, it's a prank party. You wanna come?" 

"No. Why do you need my help?" 

"I want you to make sure he doesn't find out." I nodded. "Okay." I ran to the kitchen and grabbed my phone. I dialed Connor's number and pressed call. 


"Nico, my man! Why are you calling?" 

"You're having a party." Travis lunged at me, anger displayed on his face. I danced out of the way. 

"It's on the 29th. Don't tell anyone I told you, okay? It's not only for you, but you can't say." 

"Whose planning it?" 

"Um, my dad. And me, of course." I laughed into the phone. "It's a secret, okay? Shh." I pressed the end call button and turned to Travis. "I've got it covered, psycho. Now get." He rolled his eyes. 

"You could'a told me you were gonna say a different date." I rolled my eyes. "You could leave now." He smirked. 

"So, you got a boyfriend? Or do you always open the door half dressed?" I reached out and jabbed him with my finger. "Leave." He turned to the door. 

"Say hi for me, will ya?" I growled. "You better get your ass outta here before I beat it, Travis." He waved his fingers at me. 

"Thanks, Neeks. Really appreciate it." He shut the door behind him and I locked it, pissed at him. I grabbed my sandwich and climbed the ladder to my loft. Reaching for my best pencil, I though over my conversation with Hazel. 

"I really should stay here. But I need a peephole or something for my door." I settled in my chair and started writing. 

Today, I experienced several reasons of how terrible my life is. First, I went to an art convention and barely escaped being interviewed by several people. Then, I had a conversation with my step-sister, and almost had an argument. After that, an old "friend", if I could even call him that, pestered the hell out of me. And I'm supposed to be moving out of my amazing apartment to live in a house with my dad and sister. I really had a rough day today. 

I set down my pencil and relaxed my wrist for a minute. "I wonder who that kid was," I muttered to myself. "His dad seemed like a business man." I though for a moment, but I couldn't place him. I shrugged and grabbed my phone. 

Hey, dad, can we talk about this whole moving thing? I pressed send and waited for a reply. It came a minute later. 

What do you mean? 

I mean I want to stay here. 

Really. Well, you're not even an adult. It's not happening.

I already stay here! What's the difference? 

The difference is that I'll be farther away. Farther from help. It's not happening.

I'll go to Goode, dad. You can stop paying for St. Brook. Please.

He didn't answer right away. I took that as a moment to think about what I really wanted. I wanted freedom to live where I want, to go where I want, and to do what I want. But where did I want to live? Here, or with my family? 

Maybe. I'll think about it. 

Thanks, dad.

Yes! I stood up and went back downstairs. Yes! 

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