SCP-DM1 expedient

973 39 34

"They are rage, brutal, without mercy... But you, you will be worse...

...Rip and Tear until it's done!"


Item#: S.C.P-DM1 "The Space Marine"

Class Object: Safe/Euclid/Thaumiel

Special Containment Procedures:

SCP-DM1 is currently contained in site-[REDACTED], within a regular research containment chamber, tied to a medical stretcher with various harnesses and chains to prevent a possible escape of SCP-DM1 with life support machines to monitor his vital and mental signs. access to SCP-DM1 chamber requires authorization by two Clearance Level 3 personnel, its chamber must be watched by 2 Security Guards to prevent not authorized personnel tries to interact with the anomaly. Foundation personnel assigned to SCP-DM1-5 must rotate each month for psychological counseling, this at the request of the same staff assigned to SCP-DM1 due to feelings of stress, fear among other negative feelings that they claim to have, possibly emitted by the anomaly.


SCP-DM1 was discovered in ██/05/20██ due to numerous calls to 911 mentioning seeing a flash in the sky and moments later a meteor crashed near[REDACTED],[REDACTED] leaving a crater with 100 meters of diameter.

SCP-DM1 seems to be a sentient humanoid wearing a bulky dark green armor with a helmet with a large blue opaque visor. At the top left of this, there is a symbol that resembles a T with a slash in the middle with 4 dots around it, the meaning of this mark or translation remains a total mystery to this day of writing of this expedient.

Inside the armor is a man of unknown nationality or age, perhaps over 30, muscular and athletic build, with a height of 6 ft 2 in (1.87 m) and a weight of around 230 lbs (104.32 kg).

The subject is currently in a trance state and any external stimulus has had no effect on waking him up and it is not estimated when he can wake up, the O5 council has given orders to avoid waking him up due to the unknown nature of the subject.

Blood tests have been carried out among other scientific processes to know if SCP-DM1 is of human origin, the results of these tests have shown to be the same DNA as the human being, the samples however appear to have some kind of "divine" alteration.

The armor or SCP-DM1-2 was removed from the subject after several attempts to separate it from the body of SCP-DM1 with different methods, it was transferred to a heavy test cell to test the resistance of the metal, here is a summary of the tests carried out :

-The armor was subjected to continuous high caliber weapon fire, the bullets seemed to bounce without leaving any scratches or significant damage.

-Various types of explosives were tested, anti-personnel, anti-vehicles and launches anti-tank rockets. No significant harm.

-A heat resistance test was carried out, the armor was exposed to a temperature of more than 4,000ºC to 8,500ºC, the armor suffered a big increase in temperature but it did not seem to be close to the melting point of the metal that is manufactured. It has started a way to create or replicate metal to use it to create stronger containment chambers or equipment for staff.

Since the extraction of SCP-DM1, other facilities have commented on unusual events even by foundation standards, such as changes in the behavior of some SCPs, the most affected being SCP-3665-1, SCP-4357-J, and SCP-166. Interviews have been conducted with SCPs to learn more about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2021 ⏰

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