💎 Drive me Crazy (Bonus)💲

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Jotaro hurried back to the car with Polnareff, Star Platinum already manifesting begins and glowing. He wretched open the door and slid in, slamming it behind him.

"I think Josuke is in trouble." He said, panic on his voice. This was his young uncle, he couldn't let anything bad happen to him. Morioh was overrun with new stand users popping out at every turn and threatening his life. Jotaro would be a lousy nephew if he brushed this off and he knew it.

"What?" Polnareff questioned, silver chariot already appearing behind him, hand on his rapier.

"He was flushed and sweating and kept stuttering, I've never seen him like this. I think he was running a fever." Jotaro took off his hat and ruffled his hair before putting it back on. He picked up that nervous habit in Egypt, when they were fighting for his mother's life. He didn't like the idea of losing family members.

"Ok, do you think it was one of the new stand users in Morioh you were talking about?" Polnareff asked, already picking up on the situation.

"Probably, is there one that makes you sick? And he didn't seem like he could tell me what was wrong, he gave me this really fake smile and I'm worried." Jotaro's knuckles were white on his fists.

"Ok, first of all calm down. We're two power users and this is a newbie, we'll take him for sure. With my silver chariot and your star platinum, Josuke will be fine." Polnareff soothed. Jotaro nodded.

"Whatever it is had definitely seen me already but I don't know about you, can you scope it out for me?" Jotaro asked.

"Yeah." Polnareff and silver chariot exited the car.

Polnareff walked through the row of cars slowly, hauntingly enough the jaws theme was just building and the shadows were long and dark. He looked for Josuke's car, doing off of a vague description from a panicked Jotaro.

Finally, he saw the signature pomp. It was.. bouncing? That was weird.

Silver Chariot unsheathed his rapier and they approached. He was.. shirtless and saying something. He was moaning? He could've been in pain. Polnareff came closer and Okuyasu came into view behind him, moving rythmically.



Ok so his friends uncle was fucking his... boyfriend? In the drive in. Ok. Polnareff watched helplessly as Josuke clawed at the window, making absolutely lewd sounds that we're muffled by the car window but distinctive all the same.

Polnareff called back Silver chariot. He felt bad for spying even though it was just for a second, this was clearly a rprivate, although stupid thing to do in public, event,

He walked back briskly.

When he got back to the car with Jotaro, the man was sweating and fidgeting so bad you'd think he was being stabbed with needles.

"What's going on? Do you need backup?" He asked, deadly serious. Polnareff bit back a laugh.

"No he's just uh... busy with his friend. Oka something." Polnareff blushed a little. Jotaro deflated a little, letting his fight instinct die down.


"They were um." Polnareff got into his seat and stared pointedly at the movie screen and not Jotaro. "Having sex." He said slowly. Jotaro went dead silent.

"Jotaro?" Polnareff prodded. Jotaro stayed stone still, watching the movie but his eyes not moving around the screen at all. "Hey, he's a teenager, it's bound to happen." Polnareff tried to laugh it off.

Jotaro didn't say anything, just pretending to watch the movie and keeping his shoulders tense.

"Hey, Jotaro don't be weird about it. They're both boys but it's alright, it's not hurting anyone and I'm sure they're being safe-" Polnareff started but Jotaro cut him off with a noise in the back of his throat.

"That's not it, that's uh-" his voice caught in his throat. This was weird. This was his uncle, this was so weird. "I don't care about that." He said quietly, hurriedly making sure Polnareff didn't think he hated gay people, he was just shocked.

"Yeah." Polnareff said awkwardly.

"So the lead actress in this movie, what's her name?" Jotaro said after clearing his throat. He leaned back in his seat, eyes glued to the screen.

"I have no idea." Polnareff supplied, turning his attention to the movie.

"Yeah her, she's great." Jotaro muttered.

He didn't speak much for the next few days.

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