Love Unexpectedly

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As a guy, having girls as close friends really helps.

Because sometimes you do get everything handed on a plate by either a female friend or Goddess Fortuna, who happens to be female as well. All it took for me to meet Lea was to set up a quick meeting with a female friend down in the middle of the city for a glass of wine. Somehow, I told my friend that I wanted to see her to ask about our end-of-year Masters' dissertation, but she quickly find out it wasn't the case. My classmate giggled the entire way, because she quickly figured out this wasn't just some random girl I was asking about. And because it wasn't the first time I asked about her friends either.

But alas, if you have girl friends, they're always there to give you a hand. Once inside the little downtown pub, our Masters' dissertation was quickly left behind between the cocktails and laughing. The pub in itself was a tastefully decorated and expansive meeting place with high tables made out of laminated wood, surrounded by paintings and a rather cosy, fireplace-like atmosphere. In the end, the dissertation was in my own hands. Meeting Lea on the other hand was a different kettle of fish that would require my friend to do more than just meet me for a supposed educational evening.

But, as Fortuna says she favors the bold, so it happened.

The lounge, or pub, is a rather popular place around these areas. Traffic in the evening is rather high, and even with the whole house full, it still gives off the cosy atmosphere that everyone yearns for when they visit the place. It's often a first stop for young guys and girls like me, and if the place is full, they move on to the next place. People like to idle in places if they consider them worth it to waste some time to get a table, and sometimes, other things work out.

About an hour into our disseration-cum-Lea conversation, my friend Julia gives me a sly wink. She dropped the wine glass on the table and rose her head ever so slightly, giving me a sideways smile. Her eyes twinkled behind her horn-rimmed glasses. Julia started laughing, noticing my confused expression.

"You're in luck today. I hope you get the same luck on your dissertation," Julia quipped.

"How so? And why are you laughing?"

"Turn around. Look at the bar."

Even more confused, I turn my head around and glance towards the bar. Our little table was in the corner of the pub and that gave us a clear view over the whole bar. The bar in itself was L shaped, with the shorter edge in the far corner. But by the corner of the bar, crammed between two couples, stood Lea, flicking her hair around as she searched for someone in particular. My heart sank when I saw the little bar chair near her, but to my immediate relief, the stool was empty. I turned back to Julia and gave her a stupid grin.

"That's Lea, no?"

Julia nodded. "That's her. And by the looks of it, she's waiting for her date."

Not exactly the words I wanted to hear, even if I realised that myself. But Julia, bless her heart, noticed my subdued reaction and gave me a quick tap with the outside of her palm on my own hand.

"We don't know that. But we can squeeze in another chair over here, and I think I can bring her to the table."

I lighted up at the words, making Julia laugh just by glancing at my expression.

"Do you really want me to say I want her over here?"

Julia gave me a sly smile. "I know that. But I'm not going there just like that. I don't like to barge in other people's business."

Business, ah, what a wonderful, melodic word. Julia's emphasis on the word business was enough for me to understand, so I had no other choice but to comply.

"Fine, I'll help you with your dissertation. A lot, I'll help you a whole damn lot. Just bring Lea over here."

Taking one last sip of wine between giggles and laughs, Julia left the table and headed for the bar.

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