Chapter Twelve

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Fred was still in his dorm, mulling over the past few hours with Olivia and questioning how they could have gone so wrong so quickly. He didn't hate her, but part of him still wanted to hurt her, to make her feel small in his presence.

He had finally willed himself to get up off his bed and get dressed when Neville barged into the room, just as Fred zipped up his jeans.

"Merlin Nev, what's got into you?" He yelled at the boy who stood before him, but as he examined Neville's face he noticed he wore a look of horror and his whole demeanor instantly softened. "What's up Nev?"

"Where's George?" Neville's voice was shaking.

"Your guess is as good as mine, what's wrong?" Fred was becoming more confused, and worried, by the second.

"It's Olivia I- I don't know what happened but sh-she's b-bleeding a-and."

Fred didn't need to hear anymore. "Where is she?"

The scared boy turned around and gestured for Fred to follow him. The unlikely pair ran down the stairs and through the common room at speed, crashing through the portrait hole and reaching Olivia just in time for Fred to scoop her up in his arms before she hit the ground as she collapsed.

"Neville get Madame Pomfrey now!" Fred shouted, as he ran back through the portrait hole and towards his room. Neville sprinted off in the other direction, towards the hospital wing.

Once in his room, Fred laid Olivia down on his bed. The shirt he was wearing was stained with blood, but no where near as much as his shirt that Olivia was currently adorning. He left to grab a wet rag, returning in seconds and sitting by Olivia's side. He examined her face and body, unsure of where to even start with cleaning her up and tending to her injuries. She was virtually unrecognizable through the mask of scarlet cast over almost every inch of her. There was blood everywhere. Her once porcelain skin was stained a deep crimson, her right eye was swollen almost shut, her nose was visibly broken and her plump lip was busted. The blood was even in her hair, creating a matted mess enlaced with strands of deep red. A fire burned in Fred seeing her like this, but he extinguished it as best he could so he could focus on Olivia and brought the rag to her face, wiping away some of the blood that was spread across her cheek.

"It's okay V." He said as he continued to clean up her face. "You're safe now, I've got you."

All of a sudden Madame Pomfrey appeared in the doorway, followed by a very concerned looking Professor McGonagall and a panting, red-faced Neville.

"Mr Weasley, would you care to explain?" McGonagall questioned as she approached the bed and saw Olivia laying there. "Oh my, Poppy see to Miss Oakwood immediately please."

"I don't know what happened Professor, she turned up outside the common room like this. She collapsed and I didn't know what to do so I brought her up here." Fred didn't stand up from the bed as Madame Pomfrey assessed the extent of Olivia's injuries.

"You did the right thing Mr Weasley, but we must get her to the hospital wing immediately and find out what happened." McGonagall's  look of concern contorted into one of disbelief, and fury. "Poppy, should you think it alright for Mr Weasley to carry Miss Oakwood down to the infirmary?" Madame Pomfrey nodded, gesturing with her hand for Fred to hurry. Fred didn't waste a second, carefully lifting the unconscious girl in his arms as he made haste towards the hospital wing.
Fred remained in the hospital wing as Madame Pomfrey tended to Olivia, refusing to leave no matter how much the woman insisted. He watched as gradually the blood was washed away, the wounds healed, until all that remained was some bruising and swelling around her face and torso. Madame Pomfrey had had to remove Olivia's shirt to wrap her ribs while the bones healed from where they'd been cracked. A deep purple spread from under the bandages that enwrapped the girl from the top of her breasts to mid way down her stomach.

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