After dixie's second public breakup occurs. The almost twenty year old swears off dating for one month and decides she going to focus on herself. but what happens when a certain ex of hers decides to creep back in her life. will dixie stick to her p...
so i didn't think this book would be really liked but i've been very busy with other things but a chapter is coming tonight.
i should update a lot this weekend.
i am also working on another book and so here's a teaser as a treat for you guys waiting and just a thank you from me to you guys ily all.
here is a snippet from "PRAY YOU CATCH ME"
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"Marriage fucking sucks, amelie i'm telling you right now if he proposes run the other direction." The black haired woman says opening a bottle of chardonnay to share with her friends.
"I mean at the pace he's going i don't even think marriage is an option for us." Amelie says as dixie pours their glasses.
"You could always propose yourself, that's what i did." Avani says as addison agrees with her.
Dixie scoffed at the statement, not because she thinks proposing to a man is wrong no she thinks the idea is actually pretty fucking cool. It's the fact that she just warned amelie not to get married.
"No do not get married, marriage makes everything worse." Dixie says making larri chuckle.
"You know dix not everyone is like you, not everyone gets married to save an already failing relationship." Larri says making everyone else in the room gasp.
"That's why you get no chardonnay asshole." She replies making everyone laugh.
"But you know what she's actually right though. Marriage makes some things very complicated." Addison says making Dixie nod in agreement.
"It literally feels like i'm his mother and not his wife also i think the asshole is cheating on me." She says as the last part catches everyone off guard.
"Again?" Avani says tilting her head to the side a little looking very confused. "What made you come to this conclusion?"
"I found a orange fenty lingerie set by our bed when i was cleaning yesterday." She said making nailea speak up while looking at her weirdly.
"Dix we bought fenty like two weeks ago, i remember you getting an orange set." Nai says as everyone else looks at dixie grinning mischievously.
Dixie gets gloves that were in the kitchen drawer and goes to her shared room with griffin retrieving three ziploc bags. She then heads back out to the kitchen.
"I was waiting for one of you to say something about that." Dixie says grinning like a mad man. "Okay so the lingerie bottoms are like two sizes bigger than me and the bra is a size bigger also that hair in the hairbrush which is in the third bag is brown. It's curly and brown, last time i checked my hair is black and straight. That's also not my brush." She says leaving everyone flabbergasted.
"Welp i tried to help him but the evidence is undeniable." Nai says looking at the bags.
"Damn, men ain't shit." James says going for his glass.
"No, griffin ain't shit." Amelie says shaking her head.
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PRAY YOU CATCH ME coming soon to a wattpad near you.