#04 Flight To LA Cali 2

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You ended the call with Alex and walked over your bags on the front door, before you left, you took a glimpse on the mirror to check your outfit and how you look. You're wearing a white shoes and black high waist jeans, black crop top and dark blue jacket. You have your hair braided in two, you wore a white hat and a black sunglasses. You smiled at your outfit, you put on your backpack and left your house with your luggage and the other bag. You went down five stairs because your condo is at fifth floor. You walked away from the building your condo is in and went on the front gate, you grabbed a taxi and it drove you all the way to the airport. The driver helped you took out your bags so you thanked him before paying him, you entered the airport and sat on one of the long seats to wait for your flight.

You were eating a corn dog while scrolling trough your twitter stan acc when your flight was called, so you looked up from your phone listening to the call and started grabbing your bags and started walking to the assigned plane. While walking, someone happened to bump into you that made you drop your bag. You looked at the guy annoyed he's wearing a hat that covers his eyes so you didn't really saw his face but he tilted his head up so he can see you and you can see him "I'm sorry miss" he apologized and kept walking on the same way you're walking, you admit he has a beautiful green eyes. You just sighed and picked up your bag and continued walking to your plane. You entered the plane and searched for the assigned seat for you. As you found your seat you made a 'YEAH' motion with your arm finding out that you're sitting beside the window, you placed your bag on the top storage, you took a seat and made yourself comfortable by plugging on your headphones and listened to Spotify. Not very soon the plane took off.

You are currently watching the clouds outside the window when you felt your phone vibrated so you grabbed it and opened it to see a notification from Alex


You let out giggle and tapped on it, you entered your password and it took you to Twitter dms. You started typing your reply to Alex and sent it

Y/n 🌌
(yes you changed your name)
but goodnight softie

You were about to lean your head back to your chair when you immediately got a reply from him, lmao what a simp


Y/n 🌌
I just finished watching tommy's stream :P

Oh yeah you watch the child now

You just hid a laugh because you're in a very quiet plane, it's obviously embarrassing if you started laughing

Y/n 🌌
yeah okay whatever
I'm tired
I wanna sleep
Bye byee
Love you hottie ;)

You didn't know why you called him hottie so you just added a /j and silent laughed about it and his possible reaction

I was about to thank you but I saw the /j on it
you're mean :(
but anyways
Bye! Sweet Dreams
I have to sleep too. I gotta get that energy for my flight to LA
I love you cutie <3

You just smiled, laughing silently at his dm. You decided not to respond and let him sleep so you leaned your head towards the window and saw that you've arrived at LA California, you just watched as the ground gets closer. Suddenly you heard the call to get tf out of the plane, you stood up and took all of your bags and left the plane 'Okay... First I need a place to stay for a night' you thought and walked towards the sidewalk to grab a taxi. When you saw no taxi at all, you started to look around and saw a bus 'that'll work' you walk towards it and entered the bus. You searched for available seat and found two vacant ones, you immediately sat on the seat beside the window, the bus began moving but stopped, out of curiosity you looked over to the front of the bus and saw the bus door opened, when you learned that it's just a guy who catched up you went back to mining your own business.

Dream = Third Person Pov
(this was when someone bumped into you at the airport)

As Dream is currently walking on his way to the assigned plane to LA he put on his hat and lowered it so his eyes are covered by it. Suddenly he bumped inti someone making her drop her bag, she looked at Dream with annoyance and Dream looked at her with the same expression but it changed as he saw a beautiful woman. Dream didn't know what to do, he was nervous so he just apologized, as he turned around to walk away he whispered 'holy crap...' and started walking away from her. Dream admits she got his attention and would love to meet her again but it was too stupid of him to just apologise and leave without asking her name.

The plane arrived and Dream walked out of the plane and went straight to a store because he was hella hungry. After buying some snacks Dream walked towards the bus, when the bus was about to leave Dream started running and was able to catch up with the bus. He entered and all seats was taken except for the one beside a girl. Dream walked up and asked the girl
"Excuse me miss? Is this seat taken?"
The girl looked up at him and he immediately recognized her, she was the girl at the airport who he bumped into. "Oh no one is sitting here you can have a seat" she smiled at him, as soon as Dream took a seat, she took a glimpse on his face and recognized him "Wait I know you... You're the guy who bumped into me at the airport"
Dream nervously laughed "Oh yeah I recognize you either. I'm sorry for that"
"nah it's chill, my name is Y/n by the way, and you are?" y/n said offering her hand for a hand shake
"Oh I'm-... Uhh- Drei, yeah I'm Drei" He took her hand
"Oh you sound like someone I know but I guess I'm wrong" She laughed

*Time Skip*
Second Person Pov

The bus arrived at the hotel so you stood up and picked all of your bags, Dream helped you so you thanked him
"Goodbye! It was nice meeting you" you smiled at him
He giggled "You too!"
You walked out of the bus and later on the bus drove off, you carried youyr bags towards the entrance of the hotel, you entered and booked a hotel room for 2 nights. The person gave you the key and you went up on the second floor to search for your room, as you found it, you went crashing all your bags on the side and dropping yourself on your bed and you immediately fell asleep.

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