#23 oh no he asked

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" so... Ranboo forgot that he has a sister?" you asked


"God... What a tragic past" you said

He laughed "Yeah yeah, the writer is Wilbur by the way... He came up with the past and everything, including Karl, he helped" he said

"Oh right... Wilbur, he's such a great writer, also Karl of course" you said "So, what do you look like in real life?" you asked

"Ehh, people say that I'm hot so" he chuckled

You took a sip of your coffee "hmm... Okay Leo"

He wheezed "Well a stan dm'ed my dreamhangout account and they were like 'why do I think of you as George but more masculine, like wtf why please explain'" he said doing his silly voice impression "It's so funny because when I told George about it, he won't stop bragging that he's more handsome than me" he said wheezing in the middle of his words "Which I don't agree because I'm hot-*wheezzeee*"

"Ohmygod please breathe" You said laughing "but do you actually look like George?"

"I-... I don't think so" he laughed "I look like someone you've met tho" he said that made you confuzled


Dream bit his lip as he blushed "No-... Nothing nothing"

Then there's this awkward silence

"S-so... Are you not streaming?" he asked breaking the silence "I'm planning to stream today, you can hang if you want then I'll raid you after" he said

You bit your lip of awkwardness looking at you mirror checking the mark on your neck Alex gave you "m-maybe next time... Thank you tho"

"Oh... No problem, how about Quackity?" he asked

"I don't think so he's still sleeping, the alcohol really hit him hard" you said giggling

"Wait really?" he asked, you can hear him smiling

"yeah, you wanna see? I can turn my cam on, his bed is behind me" you said

"Yeah sure..."

Yoy immediately fixed your hair so Dream won't see the mark on your neck before turning on your cam

"look at him he's right there" you laughed while pointing at Alex hugging his pillow

"What the hell? Why is he sleeping with his beanie? Is it glued on his head?"

You laughed at Dream's reaction "Yeah, I guess it is"

You and Dream kept chatting with your cam on, Dream is really happy to see you again, he just recently realized that you're the girl he bump into back in the airport, he admitted that he fell for you by the first time he saw you, he was desperate to see you again and today he's now talking to you, even in video call it makes him feel complete

"Okay, well I'll go now, I'm gonna have to cook lunch for me and Alex so... Bye" you said


"You can cook??" Dream asked

You looked at your camera like wtf

"Of course I can! Don't you cook?"

"Eh-I don't cook. I haven't cooked in my entire life" he said, you can clearly sense that he has his hand in the back of his neck

You laughed "How cute, Dream doesn't know how to cook"

"Just because you know how to cook, doesn't mean you can make fun of me. I'm still a leo so, I have more power than you" He said playfully

"So this is turning into lore now?"

He wheezed "It's true, I have power. What are you- a Virgo?"

"Listen Mr. I'm-a-leo-I-have-power, I can cook-you can't. Let's just leave it at that"

"Well... If you don't want to argue about it-" he paused an mumbled something "Let's just kiss"


"nothing! Go and cook, bye!" Dream said and ended the call

Still confused, you stood up from your chair and left Alex's room to go to the kitchen and cook, while you're cooking you heard the door opened then there came out Alex rubbing his eyes, he walked over to you and immediately gave you a hug from behind, he's still sleepy tho so he leaned his head on your shoulder

You laughed "Woah, what's with the hug?"

He groaned "I don't know, I just miss you... What happened last night anyways? I literally can't remember anything, and my head hurts so bad"

God you forgot how to breathe

Your stomach turned when he asked that

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