Chapter 3

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Evelyn huffed in annoyance as she stripped off her clothes and started the shower.

She caught her reflection, but more than just her reflection of fading bruises and cuts, she looked at the Sigil of Burden burned into her skin; the tree's trunk crawling up from her waist and onto her back; the branches creeping over her shoulder; the leaves branded into her skin but appearing so wispy and delicate. The Sigil ached and burned her skin.

The room steamed with white puffs of hot air as she stepped in under the falling water. It scorched her skin but it made her feel alive. Evelyn was really tired from the night before. Instinctively, she touched her wrist where some of the demon's blood had splashed her skin, burning her like acid. The wound was almost fully healed now. She was tired from staying up too late with the mortal boy she took home.

She hadn't realized someone was knocking on her bedroom door until she turned off the water. Hastily she threw on her robe, her wet hair dangling down and dripping drops of water everywhere. She grabbed a towel and tried to dry the ends as she rushed to the door. Her heartbeat was erratic, and she was cursing under her breath.

"Hold on," she said when she opened the door. "Oh! Marcus."

Marcus' eyes widened and he smiled meekly. "Hey."

"Hi," she said quietly, her eyes looking to the floor immediately. She took a deep breath. She knew why he was standing at her door.

"Can I..." but before he could finish his question, she pushed the door open wider so he could step inside. She padded back to the bathroom as Marcus stepped in, closing the door behind him.

She brushed out her hair and put some moisturizer on her face, then squeezed the excess water out of her hair and then...

"Are you going to talk to me or just do as many things possible to avoid saying anything?" he offered.

Evelyn's eyes floated to him sitting at the end of her bed. He had been staring at her, she realized, and she was doing everything she could to avoid that stare.

"Sorry," she muttered.

He shrugged with a small smile. He looked sad and Evelyn knew that she was the cause. He looked tired like her, like most Hunters always looked, with dark smudges under his eyes. Marcus was lucky though. His skin was naturally darker in tone because of his South American roots, so it wasn't too obvious when he was really exhausted.

"I just don't know why you do that to yourself," he said quietly as if there were people around to hear. "You don't need a guy for just a night."

Evelyn nodded. "I just wanted his company," she replied, walking in to sit next to him.

"I can give you company," he scowled. Evelyn stared at her hands while Marcus eyed her. "Was it easier this time?" he asked as he took her hand in his, playing with her fingers, intertwining them with his.

She spoke slow, mumbling. "It was... different. I don't know. I felt different. But something was off. But I felt guilty, more than anything." Not many knew her secret; Marcus wasn't supposed to know either but it was an accident that he found out. Although having that knowledge put him in danger, she was glad she could talk to him about it.

"Why guilty?" His body relaxed hearing those words.

"I should feel more each time, not less. I owe him that," she quickly replied, looking up at him, his tightening grip on her hands. "Especially because of what I've been doing to him."

"You're protecting him," he assured her. "And after all this time, I would think you would have less feelings, especially since he can't reciprocate. You deserve to be happy," he replied with a grin.

"Marcus," Evelyn said apologetically in a soft voice. She knew what he was going to say. It wouldn't be the first time.

He twisted his lips. "You know how I feel, I just want you to give me a chance," Marcus said.

Marcus was so honest; he never hid his feelings since the minute he walked into the brownstone almost two years earlier. Henry obviously discouraged any relationships among those living together but there was no real rule that said they couldn't.

"Just a date," he quickly added seeing the reluctance on her face.

"You know that I adore you," she started. "I love being with you and..."

Marcus was smiling. Maybe she was choosing the wrong words.

"But I will only break your heart," she sighed, her stare penetrating. "Besides, everyone leaves me in the end anyway," Evelyn mumbled.

"I know your..." he smirked, "ailment concerns you... but that might not always be the case."

Evelyn had to laugh out loud. "Come on, Marcus. Do you think I'll actually ever become like you?"

Marcus obviously didn't share in her amusement.

"Marcus, please," she hung her head low, wincing. She always said the wrong thing. After all this time, hadn't she learned tact?

He stood up and let go of her hand abruptly, heading toward the door yanking it open to find Jasper standing with his hand up as if he was about to knock.

"You're popular, Evelyn," Marcus practically growled.

"Marcus," Jasper said with an even tone, looking at Marcus with a steady gaze. "I didn't know you guys..."

Evelyn stood up and rushed to stand behind Marcus, putting her hand on his shoulder.

"Have you met?" she tried to say with excitement but it came out harsh.

They both nodded toward each other in some weird guy exchange.

"I'll see you later," Marcus turned to Evelyn, leaning in to kiss her cheek slowly. She felt his eyelashes tickle her skin. Her cheeks grew hot, knowing that Jasper was watching. He disappeared quickly, rushing past Jasper, who barely moved to let him pass.

"Can I help you?" Evelyn asked, pulling her bathrobe tighter around her body. She felt completely exposed standing in front of Jasper even though she was covered with a huge white fluffy robe.

"Can I come in?" he arched his brow and half-smiled sending a shiver up her spine.

She nodded quickly and hurried back to the bathroom. Jasper had showered, she noticed. His hair was still damp and his skin looked refreshed although there were still some faint purple crescents under his eyes. He was barefoot and wore jeans low on his hips with a white t-shirt. She tried not to look at the muscles that flexed in his arms and back whenever he moved, but it was hard.

Jasper caught her eyes and smiled. He walked around her room and sat down in the chair situated between the two large arched windows; the sunlight practically making him glow like an angel.

"So you and Marcus?" he began.

"None of your business," she said, and shut the bathroom door so she could get dressed, then realized that she had no clothes with her. Evelyn pulled the door back open and rushed to her closet, pulling out whatever she could grab and then ran back into the bathroom. Jasper chuckled softly but she ignored him. "What can I help you with?" She yelled through the door.

"Well Ev," he said.

Ev? She thought. Who is this guy?

"I thought you could give me a tour of this place and then maybe we could go for a walk. Show me around. It's been a long time since I've been in New York."

"I thought you were tired?" Evelyn was in the middle of pulling her shirt over her head when she stopped midway.

"Couldn't sleep," he mumbled.

"But a walk?" She said in a whisper and was surprised when Jasper responded.

"Yes. You know. It happens between standing still and running. Or maybe jogging," he responded.

Evelyn pulled open the door and trudged into her bedroom. His eyes widened when he saw her.

"What?" she scowled looking down at what she was wearing; yoga pants and a t-shirt, nothing out of the ordinary.

"Nothing," he looked away and stood up. "So how about that tour?"

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