please don't leave

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Chapter warnings: sickness, mentions of headache, sore throat and coughing. Overall just fluff

The blinding sunlight peaked through the open window that faced the side of the bed you shared with Alex waking you up. Not yet ready to get up you pulled the comforter over your head as a makeshift shield from the sun. As you were drifting out of consciousness a loud cough ringed through the room. You would've thought you imagined it if not for the stream of coughs that followed the first one.
Accepting your fate you got up and headed to the living room where Alex probably were.

"Alex, baby, are you okay?" you said as you sat down next to Alex who was uncomfortably curled up in the small couch. "M'fine. Probably just got the flu or somethin'" , he replayed,voice raspier than usual.

"Why are you on the couch?"you asked curiously. Most mornings when neither of you had to go somewhere you would cuddle together for hours on end. "Didn't wanna get you sick or wake you with all my coughing". " My love I wouldn't have mind. C'mere." you said motioning to him to lay his head on your lap.

"How are you feeling?" you said as you started to run your fingers through his hair. "Head hurts, throat hurts and I feel like m'staring to loose my voice" he sighed dramatically. "Okay wait here and I'll bring you some medicine and some tea."

Before you could get up Alex grabbed your hand and pulled you on top of him. "No...Don't leave.Please don't leave" he whispered in your ear while his hot breath fanned against your cheek. You giggled and pressed a kiss to his forehead. "Alex you're burning up you should" but before you finished your sentence he flipped you around now lying on top of you and pulled your hand to his hair. "Just play with me hair and I'll be fine."

Stifling a laugh you do as he said combing your fingers through his messy locks. "I like this" he muttered as he pressed a lazily kiss to your lips. "Hey, what happened to not getting me sick" you playfully asked. "Shut up you love it". He pressed another kiss to your lips this time more passionate slipping his tongue in your mouth while his hands caressed your waist. You smiled in the kiss making his pink tinted lips to detach from yours. " See you love it" he stated proudly as he rested his head on your shoulder again.
After a while of just cuddling in comfortable silence you asked: "D'you wanna watch a movie?"
"Does that requires you getting up?" he replayed without moving his face from your neck. "Um yeah?" "Then no"

Okay that's my first imagine and ik it's really bad and really short but I have to start in order to get better. Anyway English is not my first language so I hope I didn't fuck it up that bad.
-kat xx

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